
Google Chrome Removes Lock Icon From Browser URLs

Google Chrome Removes Lock Icon From Browser URLschrome,security,URL,lockicon,update
# Google Chrome to retire Lock Icon in Favor of Tune Icon, to Improve Internet Security

Google Chrome has announced that it will be retiring the lock icon from its browser in September 2023. The small lock icon, which appears on the left-hand side of the search bar, has been an indicator of a secured HTTPS website for decades. However, the rise of phishing sites with HTTPS connections, which make the lock icon a misrepresentation of trustworthiness, has prompted Google to replace it with a more neutral tune icon.

According to Google’s research, many users never understood the purpose of the lock icon or its important information and controls. The new tune icon aims to make permission controls and additional security information more accessible, while avoiding misunderstandings that plague the lock icon.

## The Move Towards Default HTTPS Connection

The lock icon was introduced in the 1990s as an indicator of an HTTPS connection, a secured connection between the browser, website, and network. However, HTTPS sites with secured connections between the Chrome browser, website, and network were rare at that time; however, today it’s the default.

While HTTPS sites do offer increased security, this advancement has led to an increase in phishing attacks on HTTPS websites, making the lock icon an unreliable indicator of a safe website. It is important to note that not all HTTPS sites are safe, and users need to remain vigilant when browsing online.

## Implications for Internet Security

Google’s move towards retiring the lock icon and the adoption of HTTPS by default marks a significant shift in the internet’s security protocols. However, while HTTPS connections do protect against potential cyberattacks, they are not immune to all cybersecurity threats. Therefore, users must remain vigilant and cautious when sharing sensitive information online.

### Recommendations for Users

– Be cautious when clicking on links, even from websites that appear legitimate, as phishing attacks can replicate legitimate sites.
– Pay attention to the website’s URL and check if it’s legitimate before inputting any sensitive information.
– Install antivirus software to protect your computer from malware and other cybersecurity threats.

In conclusion, Google Chrome‘s move towards retiring the lock icon and replacing it with a tune icon is a significant change in the internet’s security protocols. While HTTPS connections offer increased protection against potential cyberattacks, users must remain vigilant and exercise caution while browsing online. Staying vigilant and following recommended cybersecurity measures can help ensure online safety and prevent potential cyberattacks.

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Google Chrome Removes Lock Icon From Browser URLs
<< photo by Andrea Piacquadio >>

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