
Examining Apple’s Mass Removal of Half a Million Developers from the App Store

Examining Apple's Mass Removal of Half a Million Developers from the App Storeappstore,apple,developers,removal,massremoval

Apple‘s Ongoing Battle with Fraudulent Apps on the App Store


Apple‘s App Store is home to millions of apps, catering to various user needs. However, not all developers on the platform can be trusted, with many engaging in fraudulent activities such as privacy violations and spammy or misleading features. In its recently published report on App Store safety, Apple disclosed that it had removed nearly half a million developer accounts from the platform in 2022 alone for carrying out such fraud and abuse. Apple is committed to safeguarding the interests of its users and developers, having prevented over $2 billion in potentially fraudulent transactions last year.

The Problem of Malicious Apps

Despite Apple‘s best efforts and rigorous safety checks, malicious apps continue to find their way onto the App Store, causing serious damage to users. Cybercriminals create benign apps that pass through filters and update later with malicious functionality, posing a challenge for app stores to detect and remove these apps. Even Google, in its recently published report, disclosed that it had banned over 173,000 developer accounts from Google Play in 2022. The situation has become a game of whack-a-mole, with app stores trying to root out offenders as and when they emerge.

Enterprise App Bust

Apple‘s Developer Enterprise Program, which allows organizations to deploy internal apps, was also subject to close to 3.9 million attempts to install or launch illicitly distributed apps in the last 30 days. Apple‘s report notes that the company performs safety checks on every app before it is made available on the App Store. Its team reviews over 100,000 app submissions every week, with almost 90% of these reviewed within 24 hours. The company has in place several antifraud initiatives, supplements these with feedback gleaned from multiple channels, and continues to develop new tools to prevent fraud and abuse on the App Store.


As cybercriminals constantly improve their tactics, app stores need to develop better ways to identify and remove malicious apps. Apple and Google should work together to create a standardized system for app stores that can detect and remove harmful apps quickly and efficiently. Additionally, investing in advanced technologies like AI and machine learning could improve app store safety checks. Companies need to ensure that their developers comply with app store guidelines that protect user privacy and prevent them from engaging in fraudulent activities, or risk having their accounts banned. Finally, users must remain vigilant and be alert to the possibility of downloading malicious apps, carefully reviewing permissions, user reviews, and app descriptions before downloading them.


The battle against fraudulent apps is ongoing, but Apple‘s efforts to improve App Store safety are commendable. The company’s proactive approach and commitment to preventing fraud and abuse demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding the interests of its users and developers. However, there is more work to be done to improve app store safety. Collaboration between app stores and the adoption of advanced technologies can go a long way in rooting out malicious apps and keeping users safe.

App Store developersappstore,apple,developers,removal,massremoval

Examining Apple
<< photo by Christelle BOURGEOIS >>

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