
“The Power of Reinvention: Revamping Risk in Awareness Training”

"The Power of Reinvention: Revamping Risk in Awareness Training"training,riskmanagement,awareness,reinvention,power

Cybersecurity Awareness Training: Evolving to Address Risk in the Technology-driven Corporate World


Cybersecurity awareness training has always been a critical component of organizational risk management. In recent years, the industry has witnessed a drastic transformation in the way organizations approach cybersecurity awareness training. The growing role of cyber-insurance providers and the rising cost of their products have compelled organizations to rethink their training goals and focus on reducing risk rather than educating personnel. This editorial is an analysis of the evolving nature of cybersecurity awareness training, the changing emphasis, and the methods required to achieve training success, with an emphasis on risk reduction.

The Changing Goals of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Traditionally, the goal of cybersecurity awareness training has been to educate personnel about cyber threats and how to mitigate them. The primary focus was on knowledge transfer and whether personnel had understood the training‘s lessons. However, in recent years, organizations’ priorities have shifted from merely educating the workforce to reducing risk through changed behavior.

Organizations have realized that their employees are the weakest link in their cybersecurity architecture, and this vulnerability can be exploited by cybercriminals. Consequently, the emphasis of cybersecurity awareness training has moved from educating the workforce to ensuring that personnel demonstrate a change in behavior. Training success is no longer measured solely by the knowledge acquired but by whether employees put that knowledge to use in a way that reduces risk for the organization.

The Two-part Educational Service: Knowledge Transfer and Changed Behavior

Cybersecurity awareness training has always been a two-part educational service that aims to achieve knowledge transfer and changed behavior. However, the new goals and conversations have shifted the emphasis towards behavior change. As a result, training providers are beginning to focus more on changing employee behavior instead of simply engaging with employees or keeping their interest over the course of a training program.

The evolving nature of cybersecurity awareness training has prompted training providers to employ new methods to change employee behavior and measure that change. While the emphasis has changed, the fundamental makeup of training remains the same: knowledge transfer and behavior change. Training providers who have produced the best results in the past are likely to have a solid starting advantage as we move into the future.

Rethinking Cybersecurity Awareness Training

As cybersecurity awareness training evolves to address the changing risk, organizations must rethink their training methodologies to ensure that they deliver in the new reality. Clients must demand training that is specific to their organization’s industry and work environment to ensure that the training is effective in reducing their specific risk.

Training providers must explore new ways of measuring behavioral change, such as post-training assessments of employee behavior and specific supervisory oversight to ensure that employees adhere to established protocols. Additionally, training programs should be reinforced through regular refresher courses to maintain and improve changed behavior.

The Bottom Line

The changing goals of cybersecurity awareness training have thrust reduced risk into the spotlight, with the emphasis now shifting to changing employee behavior. Training providers must embrace this shift and translate their knowledge transfer methodology into practical changes in behavior. Organizations that can adapt to these new realities will be best placed to mitigate the cyber risks that increasingly threaten their activities and operations.

Final Thoughts

The evolving nature of the cybersecurity awareness training landscape calls for a shift in the way organizations think about risk and training. Focusing on changed behavior rather than knowledge transfer is vital in reducing an organization’s risk profile. While training providers must make adjustments to their approach, it is worth noting that the fundamental makeup of training remains the same: knowledge transfer and changed behavior. Organizations must embrace this evolution if they hope to reduce their exposure to cyber threats.


"The Power of Reinvention: Revamping Risk in Awareness Training"
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