
Iranian Hackers Use Tortoiseshell Technique to Target Israeli Logistics Industry

Iranian Hackers Use Tortoiseshell Technique to Target Israeli Logistics Industrycybersecurity,Iran,hacking,Tortoiseshelltechnique,Israeli,logisticsindustry

Perimeter 81’s Network Security Platform Streamlines IT Manager’s Workday


As the world becomes increasingly digitized, cybersecurity remains a pressing concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. Iran is famously no stranger to cyber attacks, having been accused of carrying out several high-profile incidents in the past. Most recently, a hacking group known as Tortoiseshell has been found to be targeting organizations in the logistics industry.

Cybersecurity Challenges in Iran

Iran is a country that has, in recent years, seen its fair share of cyber attacks. As a result, many businesses and individuals have become increasingly concerned about their online security. One particularly notable incident occurred in 2010, when the Stuxnet worm was used to sabotage Iran‘s nuclear program. Since then, there have been a number of high-profile attacks on Iranian infrastructure, including the country’s oil industry and banking sector.

The Tortoiseshell Technique

One of the most recent threats to Iranian cybersecurity is a hacking group called Tortoiseshell. This group has been targeting organizations in the logistics industry, using a technique that involves compromising a third-party supplier and using that access to launch attacks on their ultimate target. When asked about the attacks, Israeli officials have not denied involvement, but have refused to comment directly.

Streamlining Network Security with Perimeter 81

Given the ongoing threats to cybersecurity, it’s more important than ever for businesses to invest in effective security measures. One option that has been gaining popularity is Perimeter 81’s network security platform. This platform is designed to make life easier for IT managers, providing them with a centralized dashboard that allows them to quickly and easily manage their organization’s online security.

The Benefits of Perimeter 81’s Platform

The benefits of Perimeter 81 are numerous. For one, it allows IT managers to easily manage access to their company’s network, granting or revoking permissions with a click of a button. Additionally, the platform provides a range of security features, including multi-factor authentication and IP filtering, which help to ensure that only authorized users are able to access sensitive data.

Editorial and Advice

It’s clear that cybersecurity is an ongoing concern, particularly for businesses operating in countries that are frequently targeted by hackers. In light of the recent incidents in Iran, it’s important for businesses in that country to be particularly vigilant about their online security. While no security solution can provide perfect protection against all cyber threats, Perimeter 81’s network security platform offers a useful tool for IT managers looking to streamline their security operations.

Security Best Practices

In addition to investing in security solutions like Perimeter 81, there are a number of best practices that businesses can follow to help reduce their risk of a cyber attack. These measures include regularly updating software and operating systems, implementing strong password policies, and training employees on how to spot and avoid common scams like phishing emails.


As the threat of cyber attacks continues to loom large, it’s more important than ever for businesses to take cybersecurity seriously. By investing in solutions like Perimeter 81’s network security platform and following best practices like those outlined above, businesses can help to reduce their risk of a cyber attack and protect their sensitive data.


Iranian Hackers Use Tortoiseshell Technique to Target Israeli Logistics Industry
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