
Introducing New PowerDrop Malware: An Emerging Threat to the U.S. Aerospace Industry

Introducing New PowerDrop Malware: An Emerging Threat to the U.S. Aerospace Industrymalware,cybersecurity,PowerDrop,threat,U.S.AerospaceIndustry

Perimeter 81’s Network Security Platform: A Solution for Streamlined Cybersecurity

As cybersecurity threats become increasingly prevalent and complex, IT managers are finding it more challenging to keep their networks secure. A single breach or malware infection can cause significant damage to an organization’s data, reputation, and bottom line. In the US aerospace industry, where sensitive data and intellectual property are at risk, maintaining robust cybersecurity measures is essential.

The Rise of Cybersecurity Threats

Cybersecurity threats have become more frequent, complex, and severe. Ransomware attacks, phishing scams, and data breaches can cause significant damage to organizations across all industries, but the aerospace industry holds a special interest for would-be attackers. The sector’s high-value data and intellectual property make it a prime target for cybercriminals. According to a report by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, the annual cost of cybercrime to the U.S. economy was as much as $140 billion as of 2020.

The Challenge of Protecting Networks

IT managers are under increasing pressure to prevent such attacks and safeguard their organization’s networks and data. However, this task is becoming more challenging as the complexity and sophistication of cyber-attacks continue to increase. As a result, IT managers need a comprehensive solution that provides maximum security with minimum disruption to the organization’s network and daily operations.

Perimeter 81’s Solution

Perimeter 81’s network security platform offers IT managers a streamlined solution to network security. The cloud-based platform provides a range of cybersecurity features, including secure network access, multi-factor authentication, and traffic filtering. With Perimeter 81, IT managers can be confident that their organization’s network is secure, while also freeing up time to focus on other essential tasks.


The rise of sophisticated cyber threats calls for a comprehensive cybersecurity solution. IT managers must ensure that their organization’s networks and data are protected, but this task may be too complex for many organizations to handle alone. Perimeter 81’s network security platform provides an excellent solution for IT managers tasked with securing their organization’s networks. By providing a comprehensive, cloud-based security solution, Perimeter 81 can help IT managers stay ahead of the ever-increasing complexity of cyber threats while freeing up more time to focus on other organizational priorities.

Advice for IT Managers

IT managers should not underestimate the importance of providing comprehensive cybersecurity measures for their organization’s networks. Investing in a platform like Perimeter 81 can help ensure that an organization’s data and intellectual property are protected from cyber threats. IT managers should work with their organization’s leadership to assess the risks involved and determine which cybersecurity solution is right for their particular situation. Investing in cybersecurity is no longer an optional expense but is instead an essential investment in an organization’s future success.


Introducing New PowerDrop Malware: An Emerging Threat to the U.S. Aerospace Industry
<< photo by Dan Nelson >>

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