
The Rise of Undetectable Malware: Cybercriminals Use BatCloak Engine to Evade Detection

The Rise of Undetectable Malware: Cybercriminals Use BatCloak Engine to Evade Detectioncybersecurity,malware,undetectablemalware,BatCloakengine,cybercriminals,detectionevasion

Perimeter 81 Network Security Platform: A Comprehensive Solution

As the digital landscape expands, companies face a greater need to secure their networks and data against malware and cybercriminals. Inefficient processes and the lack of a comprehensive solution to network security result in IT managers spending countless hours monitoring potential threats. Perimeter 81’s network security platform promises to streamline the process of securing networks and data while providing more efficient cybersecurity protection.

The Cybersecurity Landscape: An Ever-Growing Concern

Cybercrime is a prevalent issue in today’s world. Cybercriminals are using increasingly sophisticated techniques to evasively penetrate networks, steal data and distribute undetectable malware. A persistent threat is undetectable malware which is designed to evade detection from traditional signature-based security measures. In response to undetectable malware, Perimeter 81 has developed the BatCloak engine, which provides detection evasion and protection against these types of threats.

The Perimeter 81 Solution: Comprehensive Cybersecurity for Your Business

Perimeter 81 offers a comprehensive solution to network security through its unique cloud-based platform. The platform features a one-click VPN, a user and network activity dashboard, and an integrated private server. The one-click VPN enables secure network access for remote workers, while the user and network activity dashboard provides IT managers with real-time network activity monitoring. Moreover, the integrated private server allows companies to store sensitive data securely and avoid third-party involvement.

The Benefits of Perimeter 81 for IT Managers

Perimeter 81’s network security platform offers several benefits to IT managers. Firstly, the platform is user-friendly, reducing the time and resources needed to manage and secure a network. The BatCloak engine aids in detecting threats that may be otherwise undetectable, thus minimizing the risk of data breaches. Finally, the platform provides real-time monitoring of network activities, enabling IT managers to swiftly identify and address potential threats.


Cybersecurity is a critical concern for businesses of all sizes, and traditional solutions are struggling to keep pace with increasingly advanced cybercriminal tactics. Perimeter 81’s network security platform provides a comprehensive solution for companies looking to secure their networks and data effectively. IT managers can streamline the process of securing their networks, saving time and resources while having the peace of mind that their network is protected from both conventional and evasive cyber attacks.


The Rise of Undetectable Malware: Cybercriminals Use BatCloak Engine to Evade Detection
<< photo by Dan Nelson >>

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