
How Cycode’s Cimon Can Strengthen Software Supply Chain Security

How Cycode's Cimon Can Strengthen Software Supply Chain Securitycycode,cimon,softwaresupplychain,security,cybersecurity,codeanalysis,vulnerabilitydetection,accesscontrol,riskmanagement,threatprevention

Cycode Launches Cimon to Enhance Security of CI/CD Pipelines


Cycode, the leading application security platform, has announced the launch of Cimon, a seamless solution that enhances the security of CI/CD pipelines to prevent software supply chain attacks. With the rise of cyber attacks targeting the software supply chain, organizations need effective measures to protect their CI/CD pipelines, which are currently lacking in visibility. Cimon offers a modern approach to application security that utilizes an innovative solution to provide visibility into the build system, thereby preventing malicious behavior with minimal disruption. This report examines the key features of Cimon and its potential impact on application security.

Cimon‘s features

Cimon utilizes an extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) technology to offer visibility into the build system. This technology enables Cimon to inspect network connections, running processes, and file modifications within the CI pipeline to learn standard behaviors. This knowledge allows Cimon to detect and prevent abnormalities, including real-time threats and zero-day attacks. With low effort and seamless integration, users remain protected against all possible attacks on the CI pipeline, including zero-day attacks. Cimon is developer-friendly and is easily integrated with popular CI/CD tools, comprehensive documentation requiring minimal configuration, and integration with the development environment, such as GitHub. Cimon prevents attacks such as malicious package installation, typosquatting, repojacking, dependency confusion, dependency hijacking, and other dependency attacks.


Cimon‘s launch comes at a critical time when organizations need to ensure the security of their applications amid the rising cases of software supply chain attacks. CI/CD pipelines are a sensitive link in the SDLC, and many organizations have thousands of unmonitored pipelines that are prone to supply chain attacks. Cimon offers a comprehensive solution to address this challenge by providing visibility into the build system. By utilizing eBPF technology, Cimon can detect and prevent abnormalities, including real-time threats and zero-day attacks. This approach enhances the security of CI/CD pipelines and provides users with a developer-friendly solution that is easy to integrate with popular CI/CD tools.


The rise of software supply chain attacks underscores the need for effective measures to secure the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated in their attacks, targeting the most sensitive links in the SDLC, including CI/CD pipelines. The launch of Cimon by Cycode offers a comprehensive solution to address this challenge. Cimon‘s approach, which utilizes innovative eBPF technology, provides visibility into the build system, allowing users to detect and prevent abnormalities. Cimon‘s ease of integration with popular CI/CD tools makes it a developer-friendly solution for organizations that are keen on securing their pipelines. The launch of Cimon is a positive development for the application security industry and demonstrates the ongoing efforts by stakeholders to secure the SDLC.


Organizations should prioritize the security of their applications, especially the CI/CD pipelines. With the launch of Cimon, users now have a comprehensive solution to enhance the security of their pipelines. Organizations should consider integrating Cimon with their existing CI/CD tools and ensuring that all their pipelines are protected against all possible attacks. Developers should also prioritize the security of their code, adopting best practices such as using secure coding guidelines and regularly scanning the code for vulnerabilities using tools such as SCA and SAST. Additionally, organizations should ensure that their staff receives regular training on cybersecurity best practices to stay ahead of emerging threats. With these measures in place, organizations can minimize the risk of software supply chain attacks and ensure the security of their applications.

Supply Chain Securitycycode,cimon,softwaresupplychain,security,cybersecurity,codeanalysis,vulnerabilitydetection,accesscontrol,riskmanagement,threatprevention

How Cycode
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