
Sophisticated ‘Toitoin’ Campaign Targets Banking Firms: Exploring the Cybersecurity Threat to the Financial Industry

Sophisticated 'Toitoin' Campaign Targets Banking Firms: Exploring the Cybersecurity Threat to the Financial Industrywordpress,cybersecurity,banking,financialindustry,Toitoincampaign

A Sophisticated Malware Campaign Targeting Latin American Businesses

A sophisticated and evasive malware campaign is currently targeting businesses in Latin America with a multi-stage attack. This campaign, discovered by researchers from ZScaler, starts with phishing and ends with the deployment of a novel Trojan called Toitoin. The purpose of the malware is to steal critical system information and data from financial institutions. The campaign features a multi-stage infection chain using custom-built modules that employ various evasion techniques and encryption methods.

Evasion Tactics and Encryption Methods

The malware campaign utilizes various evasion tactics to avoid detection. One of the tactics involves leveraging Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to host the malware within compressed ZIP archives. By using Amazon EC2 instances, the threat actors are able to evade domain-based detections, making it more challenging to detect and block their activities.

In addition, the ZIP archives themselves use evasive maneuvers by generating a new and randomly generated file name with each download. This allows them to evade detection based on static file-naming patterns. These tactics add an additional layer of complexity to the campaign, making it more challenging to identify and mitigate the threat effectively.

The Toitoin Trojan: Ultimate Payload

The ultimate payload of this malware campaign is a Trojan malware called Toitoin. It is specifically built to target finance institutions. Toitoin gathers system information as well as data pertaining to installed browsers and the banking sector-specific Topaz OFD Protection Module. It then sends this information to the attacker’s command and control (C2) server in an encoded format.

The 6-Step Infection Process

The researchers intercepted a phishing email sent to a prominent investment-banking company in Latin America, which represents the first stage of the attack. The email utilizes social engineering techniques to instill a sense of urgency in the recipient, urging them to click on a button to view an invoice for immediate action.

When the recipient clicks on the link in the email, it sets off a chain of redirects and events that ultimately lead to the downloading of a malicious ZIP archive onto the victim’s system. This ZIP archive contains the files necessary to initiate the Toitoin infection chain, which consists of six stages:

  1. Downloader module
  2. Kirta Loader DLL
  3. InjectorDLL Module
  4. ElevateInjectionDLL module
  5. BypassUAC Module
  6. Toitoin Trojan

Each of these modules serves a specific function in the infection process. The downloader module downloads further stages of the attack and evades sandboxes through system reboots, maintaining persistence using LNK files. The Kirta Loader DLL is sideloaded via a signed binary and loads the next module, the InjectorDLL. The InjectorDLL then injects the ElevateInjectorDLL into a remote process, where it evades sandboxes, performs process hollowing, and injects either the Toitoin Trojan or the BypassUAC module based on process privileges.

The BypassUAC module bypasses User Account Control (UAC) using COM Elevation Moniker for the execution of the Kirta Loader with admin privileges. This is done to ensure that the next stage of the process, the final payload, Toitoin, is executed with elevated privileges. Toitoin is injected into legitimate processes, such as explorer.exe and svchost.exe, to evade detection and maintain persistence on compromised systems.

Avoiding Malware Compromise

To defend against sophisticated malware campaigns like Toitoin, organizations must take robust cybersecurity measures. The researchers advise implementing continuous monitoring, consistent patch management, and system updates to ensure the latest protections are in place across the entire environment.

One recommended approach is the adoption of a zero-trust security model. In a zero-trust approach, all traffic, including email communications and web browsing, is inspected and analyzed in real-time, regardless of the user’s location or device. This comprehensive inspection helps identify and block malicious emails, phishing attempts, and suspicious URLs associated with malware campaigns like Toitoin.

Furthermore, organizations can deploy security platforms that utilize advanced threat intelligence and machine-learning algorithms to detect and block both known and unknown malware variants. By staying informed and proactive, businesses can effectively defend against emerging cyber threats and protect their critical assets.


The discovery of the Toitoin malware campaign targeting businesses in Latin America serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats. The use of sophisticated evasion techniques and encryption methods highlights the need for organizations to invest in robust cybersecurity measures and adopt a proactive approach to defense.

By implementing continuous monitoring, consistent patch management, and system updates, organizations can better protect themselves against multi-stage attacks. The adoption of a zero-trust security model enables real-time inspection and analysis of all network traffic, helping to identify and block malicious activities.

As cyber threats become increasingly complex, businesses must remain vigilant and prioritize their cybersecurity efforts. Only by staying informed and proactively defending against emerging threats can organizations effectively protect their critical assets.


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