
6 Key questions for developing an effective Patch Management Playbook

6 Key questions for developing an effective Patch Management Playbookwordpress,patchmanagement,playbook,effective,keyquestions

Patch Management: The Key to Protecting Organizations from Cyberattacks

The Growing Problem of Patch Management

As the frequency and severity of cyberattacks continue to rise, organizations are under increasing pressure to protect their assets and close the software vulnerability gap. However, many organizations still struggle with effective patch management. A study conducted by the Ponemon Institute found that 42% of organizations that suffered a data breach were aware of available patches but struggled to apply them. To address this issue, organizations must develop a strong patch management playbook that takes into account factors such as organization size, IT environment complexity, system criticality, and resource allocation.

Key Question #1: Which updates should be installed first?

An essential step in effective patch management is prioritizing updates. Organizations should prioritize updates based on the severity of non-superseded vulnerabilities and their exposure in each environment. Critical updates that impact security, privacy, and key system reliability should be tackled first. Important updates that address non-critical problems or enhance the computing experience should follow. Optional updates, such as driver updates or new software, can be deprioritized but should still be considered for implementation. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) can aid in assessing risk levels and prioritizing updates based on their severity scores.

Key Question #2: How can updates be tested before deployment?

Before applying new patches, organizations should conduct thorough testing to minimize the risk of breaking systems. Updates should be installed on a few devices and tested against predetermined success criteria. It is crucial to record evidence of successful testing and have it independently reviewed to ensure approval. In-house or on-network machines should not be used for testing, and if available, updates should have uninstallers to safely remove outdated programs. Gradual testing stages that research potential criteria, identify components requiring testing, and compare against success criteria should be followed.

Key Question #3: How many updates should be installed at once?

The number of updates installed at any given time should be carefully considered to minimize end-user disruption. More updates require larger data downloads and longer installation times, potentially triggering multiple reboots. Organizations should calculate the total number and size of missing updates against the total number of devices by type to assess bandwidth availability. Starting with a smaller number of updates, such as five, and reassessing bandwidth is a recommended approach.

Key Question #4: How can change management be made easier?

Change management is an integral part of successful patch management. Proper documentation, including the updates needed, user impact, evidence of testing, and go-live schedules, is crucial to follow an official approval process. Large organizations rely on change management as the single source of truth for approved changes. Keeping comprehensive reports on changes facilitates the process and provides auditability, whether organizations follow Prince2, ServiceNow, or ITIL best practices.

Key Question #5: How can updates be safely deployed?

Creating a patch management calendar is essential for building an effective playbook. The calendar should be used when making change requests and scheduling or reviewing new patch updates. Defining baselines for the number of updates to be deployed at once, the order of deployment, and verifying the change management process are key considerations based on earlier questions’ answers. Once the baseline is set, deployment should be scheduled, and automation should be utilized where feasible.

Key Question #6: How can the success of the playbook be gauged?

Measuring the success of a patch management playbook can take various forms. Organizations can evaluate success by examining the number of incidents reported to the help desk following deployment, the ease of following or repeating the process, or the generation of positive reports from the toolset used. Ultimately, success lies in the swift deployment and updating of patches across the environment and the establishment of a streamlined process that reduces the manual effort required to keep an organization safe.

Conclusion: The Importance of Effective Patch Management

Patch management continues to be a challenge for organizations of all sizes. However, as the vulnerability gap persists, IT and security teams play a crucial role in reducing the attack surface by implementing effective patch management playbooks. Addressing the six key questions outlined in this report is a vital step towards improving patch management practices. By prioritizing updates, conducting thorough testing, considering bandwidth limitations, streamlining change management, and deploying updates safely, organizations can significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect their data, employees, partners, and overall business.

Keywords: Patch Management, Playbook, Key Questions, Cyberattacks, Vulnerability Gap, IT Environment, Testing, Change Management, Deployment, Success Measurement


6 Key questions for developing an effective Patch Management Playbook
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