"Coro Bolsters Cyber Defense: Acquiring Privatise, a Network Security Startup"wordpress,cyberdefense,Coro,Privatise,networksecurity,startup

“Coro Bolsters Cyber Defense: Acquiring Privatise, a Network Security Startup”

Coro Announces Acquisition of Privatise to Expand Cybersecurity Platform In a move to enhance its offerings, Coro, a modern cybersecurity platform for mid-market organizations, has acquired Privatise, an Israeli supplier of network security solutions. This acquisition will enable Coro to incorporate critical Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) capabilities into its all-in-one platform. The aggressive growth…

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"Unprecedented Attack Wave: Mac Users Beware as Cybercriminals Target Cryptocurrency Wallets and Data"macusers,cybercriminals,cryptocurrencywallets,data,attackwave

“Unprecedented Attack Wave: Mac Users Beware as Cybercriminals Target Cryptocurrency Wallets and Data”

macOS Users Warned of Fake Blockchain Games Hosting Information Stealer Users of macOS devices are being advised to exercise caution when downloading and using free blockchain games, in light of a recent threat campaign that targets these users. The games, including titles such as Brawl Earth, WildWorld, Evolion, Pearl, SaintLegend, and Olymp of Reptiles, are…

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Rezilion Discovers Critical Security Flaws Omitted by CISA KEV Catalogwordpress,cybersecurity,Rezilion,CISAKEVCatalog,securityflaws

Rezilion Discovers Critical Security Flaws Omitted by CISA KEV Catalog

New Report Highlights the Importance of Exploitability Probability Prediction Score (EPSS) in Vulnerability Management New York, July 26, 2023 – Rezilion, an automated software supply chain security platform, has released a report emphasizing the critical role of the Exploitability Probability Prediction Score (EPSS) in effective vulnerability management. The report builds upon Rezilion‘s previous research on…

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Endpoint Detection and Response Products: SE Labs Releases In-Depth Comparative Analysiswordpress,endpointdetectionandresponse,SELabs,comparativeanalysis

Endpoint Detection and Response Products: SE Labs Releases In-Depth Comparative Analysis

SE Labs Releases Latest Enterprise Advanced Security Report In an effort to help businesses protect their critical assets from cyber threats, SE Labs, the leader in intelligence-led computer security testing, has released its latest report comparing six market-leading Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) products. The report highlights the products that achieved perfect scores for detection…

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Rogue Ransomware: Exploiting IT Pros through Deceptive Adswordpress,ransomware,ITsecurity,cyberattack,malware,roguesoftware,deceptiveads

Rogue Ransomware: Exploiting IT Pros through Deceptive Ads

Report: Hackers Targeting IT Professionals with Malvertisements Introduction The cybersecurity research team from Sophos has identified a new campaign called “Nitrogen” that targets IT professionals through fake advertisements, also known as “malvertisements.” These misleading ads are appearing on popular search engines like Google and Bing and lead unsuspecting users to compromised websites and phishing pages….

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The SEC's Bold Move: Strengthening Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure Requirementswordpress,SEC,cybersecurity,incidentdisclosure,requirements

The SEC’s Bold Move: Strengthening Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure Requirements

The SEC Adopts Rule to Improve Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure New Rule for Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure On July 26, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted a rule requiring companies to disclose material cybersecurity incidents and information about their cybersecurity risk management, strategy, and governance. The rule aims to provide investors with more consistent and comparable…

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ETSI Responds to Allegations of 'Backdoor' Vulnerabilities in TETRA Standardwordpress,ETSI,backdoorvulnerabilities,TETRAstandard

ETSI Responds to Allegations of ‘Backdoor’ Vulnerabilities in TETRA Standard

ETSI Responds to Claims of Backdoor Vulnerabilities in TETRA Standard The Statement from ETSI The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has pushed back against claims of major vulnerabilities in its Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) standard. ETSI stated that it had already begun enhancing the TETRA standard before researchers disclosed a series of vulnerabilities. In a…

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NATO Launches Probe into Suspected Breach of Unclassified Information Sharing Platformwordpress,NATO,probe,breach,unclassifiedinformation,sharingplatform

NATO Launches Probe into Suspected Breach of Unclassified Information Sharing Platform

NATO Investigating Apparent Breach of Unclassified Information Sharing Platform In a recent cyber incident, hackers known as SiegedSec have posted a link to over 700 internal documents from NATO on a Telegram channel. NATO officials are currently investigating the incident. The documents, obtained from the NATO Community of Interest Cooperation Portal, include personnel names, contact…

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Does the SEC's breach disclosure rule unintentionally alert hackers to vulnerabilities in systems? "Is the SEC's breach disclosure rule a boon for hackers?"wordpress,SEC,breachdisclosurerule,hackers,vulnerabilities,systems

Does the SEC’s breach disclosure rule unintentionally alert hackers to vulnerabilities in systems? “Is the SEC’s breach disclosure rule a boon for hackers?”

SEC‘s Breach Disclosure Rule Raises Concerns about Tipping Off Hackers Introduction The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently approved new rules that require publicly traded companies to disclose cybersecurity breaches deemed material to their bottom line within four days. The aim is to bring greater transparency and consistency to the information available to investors. However,…

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