
“Coro Bolsters Cyber Defense: Acquiring Privatise, a Network Security Startup”

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Coro Announces Acquisition of Privatise to Expand Cybersecurity Platform

In a move to enhance its offerings, Coro, a modern cybersecurity platform for mid-market organizations, has acquired Privatise, an Israeli supplier of network security solutions. This acquisition will enable Coro to incorporate critical Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) capabilities into its all-in-one platform. The aggressive growth strategy, fueled by Coro‘s recent $155 million funding, aims to bolster the company’s cybersecurity platform through both organic development and strategic acquisitions.

The Rise of SASE Architecture

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of enterprises will adopt a strategy to unify web, cloud services, and private application access using a SASE architecture. This trend highlights the increasing importance of comprehensive security measures, particularly for mid-market organizations. However, these companies often face challenges due to lean IT teams, limited budgets, and a lack of cybersecurity expertise. This acquisition addresses these concerns by providing mid-market organizations with a simplified and affordable solution to managing the complexities and costs associated with SASE implementations.

Coro‘s Comprehensive Security Platform

With the addition of Privatise‘s SASE capabilities, Coro can now offer mid-market organizations a single source of comprehensive security and protection. This unified, cloud-based platform manages and integrates various security features such as military-grade VPN, Secure RDP, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Next Generation Firewall, and DNS Filtering. By eliminating security gaps caused by siloed approaches, Coro ensures robust protection for cloud-first, on-premises, or hybrid infrastructure configurations. Moreover, Coro‘s platform enables compliance with critical supply chain and industry regulations, providing peace of mind for organizations.

Coro‘s Commitment to Security and Efficiency

Guy Moskowitz, CEO of Coro, emphasizes the company’s dedication to delivering a comprehensive and user-friendly cybersecurity solution for mid-market companies. The integration of Privatise‘s SASE capabilities demonstrates Coro‘s commitment to providing cloud-native, seamless, and secure access to applications and resources, regardless of location or device. Coro plans to continue investing in the platform, both through organic development and strategic acquisitions, to strengthen companies’ security posture and improve operational efficiency.

Coro‘s Remarkable Growth

The acquisition of Privatise is the latest milestone in Coro‘s ongoing growth trajectory. In April, the company secured a $75 million funding round from Energy Impact Partners, bringing the total raised in the past 12 months to $155 million. Coro projects a 300% year-over-year growth in 2023, extending its impressive annual growth record for the fifth consecutive year. Coro‘s modern cybersecurity approach, which unifies, simplifies, and automates workloads, has garnered validation from over 5,000 mid-market customers across various industries. Over the past year, Coro has tripled its revenue, customer base, and employee count, while also adding more than 100 new channel partners.

About Coro

Coro is a leading provider of modern cybersecurity solutions that consolidate comprehensive protection into a single platform. With a focus on malware, ransomware, phishing, data leakage, insider threats, and email threats, Coro empowers organizations to defend against various security risks across devices, users, and cloud applications. With over 5,000 businesses relying on Coro for unrivaled ease of use, affordability, and protection, the company’s cybersecurity platform automatically detects and remediates security threats, relieving IT teams of the burden of investigation and issue resolution. Notable investors in Coro include Balderton Capital, JVP, and Ashton Kutcher’s Sound Ventures.


"Coro Bolsters Cyber Defense: Acquiring Privatise, a Network Security Startup"
<< photo by Markus Spiske >>
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