
The Critical Impact of AppSec Maturity on Business Prospects: Insights from Checkmarx CISO Study

The Critical Impact of AppSec Maturity on Business Prospects: Insights from Checkmarx CISO Studywordpress,appsec,maturity,businessprospects,checkmarx,CISOstudy,insights

Report: The Growing Impact of AppSec on Business


Checkmarx, a leading application security provider, recently released its “Global CISO Survey: The Growing Impact of AppSec on Business” report. The report is based on survey results from 200 Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and other senior security executives worldwide. It reveals a growing trend where application security (AppSec) is becoming increasingly crucial in closing new business deals. CISOs are now expected to demonstrate the security of their organization’s digital products and services, highlighting the fusion of AppSec with business growth.

Key Findings

1. AppSec and Business Growth

The survey found that 84% of CISOs are now involved in sales engagements related to closing deals for their company’s products and services. This emphasizes the important connection between AppSec and business growth. Organizations are recognizing that potential customers consider the level of application security when making purchasing decisions, as reported by 96% of the surveyed CISOs.

2. Importance of Internal AppSec

Around 77% of CISOs estimate that at least half of their organizations’ business operations are reliant on applications for which their internal teams must ensure security. As enterprises continue to advance with digital transformation initiatives, the complexity of the underlying applications has increased. This has resulted in CISOs having a critical need for consolidated security alerts, reports, and dashboards to manage risks and prioritize developers’ remediation tasks effectively.

3. Industry Variations

The study found that the banking and financial services industry considers AppSec strongly when making purchasing decisions, with 50% of CISOs in this sector reporting this trend. In comparison, only 24% of CISOs in the industrial and manufacturing industry shared the same perspective. However, across all industries, including industrial and manufacturing, there is a growing number of prospects who want to know the level of application security before making purchases.

Expert Commentary

In response to the report, Checkmarx CEO Sandeep Johri remarked, “As today’s enterprise makes great strides with digital transformation initiatives and as the applications undergirding the digital business have grown ever more complex, CISOs have a critical need for the consolidation of security alerts, reports and dashboards for better risk management and prioritizing their developers’ remediation tasks.” Johri also emphasized the increasing demand for CISOs to demonstrate the security of their organization’s products and services in sales engagements and board discussions, which in turn offers them more opportunities to shape organizational processes.

Editorial Perspective

This report highlights the increasing importance of application security in today’s digital landscape. As businesses continue to rely heavily on digital products and services, customers are becoming more discerning and aware of the potential security risks associated with these offerings. This growing consumer concern has made application security a vital consideration for organizations seeking to succeed in the marketplace.

Furthermore, the report underscores the evolution of the CISO role. CISOs are no longer solely responsible for technical security measures but are now essential contributors to business growth and strategy. Their involvement in sales engagements and board discussions presents an opportunity for them to shape organizational processes and reinforce the significance of AppSec.

Internet Security and Risks

While the report highlights the increasing focus on application security, it also raises concerns about potential risks. As organizations prioritize AppSec, it is crucial to ensure that security measures do not compromise consumers’ privacy or hinder the user experience. Striking a balance between robust security and seamless functionality should be a top priority for businesses.

Additionally, as AppSec becomes a significant consideration during the purchasing process, cybercriminals may attempt to exploit this trend. Organizations must remain vigilant in protecting their applications and systems from evolving cyber threats. Implementing regular security assessments, adopting industry-standard protocols, and staying abreast of the latest security practices will be critical to mitigating risks.


Based on the survey findings, businesses and CISOs can take several measures to enhance their application security and capitalize on the growing importance of AppSec:

1. Prioritize AppSec

Organizations must recognize the vitality of application security and allocate appropriate resources to ensure robust protection. This includes investing in modern security tools, implementing secure development practices, and fostering a culture of security awareness among their development teams.

2. Consolidate Security Practices

CISOs should focus on consolidating security alerts, reports, and dashboards to improve risk management and prioritize developers’ remediation tasks effectively. Streamlining security practices will enable organizations to respond swiftly to identified vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of cyber attacks.

3. Stay Abreast of Industry Trends

CISOs and security executives should actively engage in ongoing education and professional development to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in AppSec. This will empower them to make informed decisions and ensure their organization’s security measures align with industry standards.

4. Collaborate with Security Providers

Partnering with reputable application security providers, such as Checkmarx, can provide organizations with valuable expertise, tools, and support to enhance their AppSec measures. Collaborative efforts can help organizations address their specific security challenges and maintain a robust security posture.

5. Continuously Improve Security Posture

Organizations must adopt a proactive approach to security and continually evaluate, assess, and enhance their application security posture. Regular security audits and testing, combined with a commitment to addressing vulnerabilities promptly, will help organizations stay ahead of potential threats.

In conclusion, the Checkmarx survey highlights the growing impact of application security on business. As organizations continue to rely heavily on digital products and services, ensuring robust AppSec measures will become an increasingly crucial aspect of building customer trust, closing new business deals, and shaping business growth.


The Critical Impact of AppSec Maturity on Business Prospects: Insights from Checkmarx CISO Study
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