
Cerby Raises $17 Million to Unlock Access Management for Nonstandard Applications

Cerby Raises $17 Million to Unlock Access Management for Nonstandard Applicationswordpress,accessmanagement,nonstandardapplications,Cerby,funding,startup,cybersecurity,identitymanagement,authentication,authorization

Cerby Raises $17 Million for Access Management Platform for Nonstandard Applications


California-based access management startup, Cerby, has secured $17 million in a Series A funding round, bringing the total raised by the company to $32.5 million. The investment was led by Two Sigma Ventures, with participation from Outpost Ventures, AV8, Bowery Capital, Founders Fund, Incubate Fund, Okta Ventures, Ridge Ventures, Salesforce Ventures, and Tau Ventures. Cerby offers an access management platform that helps organizations secure applications that are not supported by traditional identity providers, mitigating the associated risks in the identity and access management (IAM) sector. The company’s platform automates tasks such as offboarding and two-factor authentication enrollment, supports passwordless authentication, and provides visibility and control over employee-onboarded applications.

Challenges in Nonstandard Applications

Nonstandard and disconnected applications often do not adhere to common identity and security standards, making them vulnerable to cyber threats. These applications are a risk in the IAM sector as they lack support from traditional identity and security tools. Cerby‘s platform addresses this challenge by offering a comprehensive solution for securing nonstandard applications in various industries, including financial services, healthcare, marketing, and sales.

Product Features

Cerby‘s access management platform supports both public Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications and privately hosted applications. It provides automation for tasks related to application offboarding and two-factor authentication enrollment, streamlining the user management process. The platform also offers support for passwordless authentication, which enhances convenience and security for employees. Additionally, Cerby‘s solution provides organizations with visibility and control over employee-onboarded applications, enabling better compliance and risk management.

Impact of Funding

With the newly raised funds, Cerby aims to accelerate product innovation, build customer momentum, invest in generative artificial intelligence (AI), expand its teams, and scale go-to-market efforts. The additional resources will help Cerby further enhance its platform and respond to the evolving needs of organizations seeking to secure nonstandard applications. The funding round also demonstrates confidence from investors in Cerby‘s potential to address the challenges in the IAM sector.

Understanding the Importance of Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Sector

The IAM sector plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and privacy of organizational systems and data. As businesses increasingly rely on digital technologies and cloud-based applications, effective IAM becomes essential for managing user identities, enforcing access policies, and protecting sensitive information.

Risks and Challenges

Nonstandard applications pose unique risks and challenges in the IAM sector. These applications often lack support for common identity and security standards, making them more vulnerable to unauthorized access and data breaches. Traditional identity providers and security tools may not adequately address the specific requirements and complexities of nonstandard applications, leaving them exposed to potential threats.

The Role of Access Management

Access management platforms, such as Cerby‘s solution, provide a critical layer of protection for nonstandard applications. These platforms enable organizations to implement secure access controls, streamline user management processes, and bridge the gaps in identity and security standards. By automating tasks like offboarding and two-factor authentication enrollment, access management platforms help organizations ensure that only authorized individuals have access to applications and data.

Editorial: The Growing Importance of Secure Access Management

Protecting Nonstandard Applications

The increasing adoption of nonstandard applications reflects the evolving needs of modern businesses. However, their unique security challenges require organizations to prioritize robust access management. Cybercriminals often target nonstandard applications as potential entry points to launch attacks or access sensitive data. By investing in access management solutions like Cerby‘s platform, businesses can mitigate these risks and protect their applications and data effectively.

The Need for Continuous Innovation

As technology continues to advance, it is crucial for access management providers to prioritize innovation and stay ahead of emerging threats. Access management platforms must adapt to the evolving landscape of nonstandard applications and incorporate advanced technologies like generative AI to enhance security and user experience. By investing in research and development, access management companies like Cerby can ensure that their solutions remain effective in addressing the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.

Advice for Organizations

Assess Your Access Management Strategy

Organizations should review their access management strategies regularly, especially for nonstandard applications. Evaluate the effectiveness of your existing solutions and determine if they address the specific security challenges posed by nonstandard applications. Consider investing in access management platforms that provide automation, visibility, and control over employee-onboarded applications.

Invest in Comprehensive Access Management Solutions

When assessing access management platforms, prioritize comprehensive solutions that support both public SaaS and privately hosted applications. Look for features such as automation for onboarding and offboarding, support for passwordless authentication, and robust visibility and control capabilities. Choose a solution provider that invests in innovation and demonstrates a commitment to addressing the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Stay Informed and Educated

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and organizations must stay informed about the latest risks and best practices. Regularly attend cybersecurity conferences, participate in industry forums, and engage with experts to learn about emerging threats and access management strategies. By staying educated, organizations can better protect their nonstandard applications and adapt their security measures accordingly.

Overall, the funding raised by Cerby highlights the growing importance of access management in securing nonstandard applications. As businesses continue to adopt different applications to meet their unique needs, it is imperative to prioritize robust access controls and invest in innovative solutions. By doing so, organizations can mitigate the risks posed by nonstandard applications and ensure the security and privacy of their systems and data.


Cerby Raises $17 Million to Unlock Access Management for Nonstandard Applications
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