
CISA Taps Renowned Hacker ‘Mudge’ to Bolster Security-by-Design Initiatives

CISA Taps Renowned Hacker 'Mudge' to Bolster Security-by-Design Initiativeswordpress,CISA,hacker,Mudge,security-by-design,initiatives

CISA Hires ‘Mudge‘ to Work on Security-by-Design Principles

The Addition of Peiter ‘Mudge‘ Zatko to CISA

Peiter ‘Mudge‘ Zatko, the former CISO at Twitter who exposed the social media giant’s security deficiencies, has joined the U.S. government’s cybersecurity agency, CISA, in a part-time capacity. Zatko will be working on the “security and resilience by design” pillar of the Biden administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy. CISA‘s boss, Jen Easterly, stated that Zatko would help shape a culture of security-by-design across the country.

Zatko’s Background and Expertise

Zatko is a renowned hacker from the L0pht/cDc collectives and is credited with groundbreaking research on buffer overflow vulnerabilities. He previously served as a program manager at DARPA and created the Cyber Fast Track program that provided resources to hackers and hacker spaces. Zatko spent two years as the security boss at Twitter before filing a whistleblower complaint to Congress, highlighting severe deficiencies in Twitter’s handling of user information and multiple violations of SEC and FTC regulations.

The Focus on Security-by-Design

CISA‘s security-by-design plan centers around the concept that technology products should be built to protect against malicious cyber actors gaining access to devices, data, and connected infrastructure. It stresses the importance of software manufacturers performing risk assessments to identify prevalent cyber threats and incorporating protections into product blueprints that account for the evolving threat landscape.

The Principle of Secure-by-Default

In addition to security-by-design, CISA advocates for the principle of secure-by-default. This means that products should be resilient against prevalent exploitation techniques out of the box, without requiring additional steps from end-users. Secure-by-default products come with built-in protections that mitigate common threats and vulnerabilities, reducing the likelihood of compromise.

Editorial: The Importance of Security-by-Design

Internet Security in the Modern World

Internet security has become a paramount concern, given the rapid digitization of our lives, especially in critical sectors like healthcare, finance, and infrastructure. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats necessitates a proactive approach to cybersecurity, rather than a reactive one.

The Need for Security-by-Design Principles

Security-by-design principles can significantly enhance the overall security posture of digital products. By integrating security measures into the design and development process, organizations can minimize the risk of vulnerabilities being exploited. This approach ensures that security is not an afterthought or a retrofit solution but an integral aspect of the entire product lifecycle.

Addressing the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Emphasizing security-by-design principles can also help address the cybersecurity skills gap. By incorporating security considerations into the design phase, organizations can reduce the burden on cybersecurity professionals, allowing them to focus on identifying and mitigating emerging threats.

Advice for Organizations

Implementing Security-by-Design Practices

Organizations should prioritize the implementation of security-by-design practices in their product development processes. This includes performing comprehensive risk assessments, identifying prevalent threats, and integrating appropriate protections into product blueprints. Taking a proactive stance on security can save significant resources and reputational damage in the long run.

Educating Stakeholders

Organizations should also invest in educating stakeholders about the importance of security-by-design. This includes training security teams, C-suite executives, and board members on the evolving cyber threat landscape and the potential consequences of inadequate security measures. Building a culture of security-by-design requires a collective effort from all levels of an organization.

Collaborating with Industry Experts and Government Agencies

Collaborating with industry experts and government agencies, like CISA, can provide valuable insights and guidance in implementing security-by-design principles effectively. Leveraging the expertise of individuals like Peiter ‘Mudge‘ Zatko, who have extensive experience in the cybersecurity field, can help organizations stay ahead of emerging threats.


Ensuring the security of digital products and systems is crucial in today’s interconnected world. By embracing security-by-design principles and integrating them into the product development process, organizations can vastly improve their cybersecurity posture. The addition of Peiter ‘Mudge‘ Zatko to CISA‘s team is a positive step towards promoting a culture of security-by-design across the United States. It is imperative that organizations prioritize and invest in proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard against future threats.


CISA Taps Renowned Hacker
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