
China’s Digital Empowerment Strategy in Africa: Unraveling the Complexities of Offensive Cyber Operations

China's Digital Empowerment Strategy in Africa: Unraveling the Complexities of Offensive Cyber OperationsChina,DigitalEmpowerment,Strategy,Africa,OffensiveCyberOperations
## Chinese State-Sponsored Cyber Operations in Africa: Supporting Soft Power Efforts

*By *

Beijing’s soft power agenda in Africa has gained significant traction through technology-focused investments and offensive cyber operations. Chinese state-sponsored threat groups have targeted telecommunications, financial, and government organizations in Africa to support their geopolitical interests and shape the socio-political digital evolution of the continent. These actions raise concerns about African nations’ dependence on Chinese technology and the implications for personal freedoms and national security.

### The Scope of Chinese Cyber Operations in Africa

Recent findings by cybersecurity firm SentinelOne reveal that Chinese threat groups linked to APT41 and APT15 have been actively targeting Africa. The APT41 group, previously implicated in cyberespionage operations in the Middle East, has expanded its operations to include a North African telecommunications organization. The timing of these cyber intrusions aligns with China‘s telecommunication soft power interests in Africa, emphasizing a strategic investment in gaining internal business knowledge and competitive advantage.

Another China-linked APT group known as BackdoorDiplomacy has been targeting Africa for several years. This group is suspected of collecting information on debt owed to China by targeting the Kenyan government. SentinelOne’s research indicates that BackdoorDiplomacy, an APT15 affiliate, has orchestrated numerous cyberespionage campaigns across Africa, targeting countries such as South Africa, Kenya, Senegal, and Ethiopia.

Furthermore, threat actors such as FamousSparrow and Earth Estries, also linked to China, have been observed targeting Africa. China‘s extensive investments in African telecommunications infrastructure through companies like Huawei and ZTE have created a significant dependence on Chinese technology, allowing China to assert its digital influence over the region’s development.

### The Implications of China‘s Offensive Cyber Operations

China‘s aggressive cyber operations in Africa go beyond economic enrichment. They are aligned with its larger geopolitical ambitions, allowing China to shape policies, narratives, and socio-political paths in the region. By establishing itself as a defining force in Africa‘s digital evolution, China gains significant leverage over African nations and influences their decision-making processes.

These cyber operations also raise concerns about personal freedoms and national security. The pervasive presence of Chinese technology and their access to sensitive information through cyber intrusions puts African governments, businesses, and individuals at risk of espionage and data breaches. This level of intrusion gives China an advantage in negotiations, intelligence gathering, and potentially exerting control over African nations.

### Addressing China‘s Offensive Cyber Operations in Africa: A Balanced Approach

Adopting a comprehensive approach is necessary to mitigate the risks associated with China‘s offensive cyber operations in Africa. African nations need to implement robust cybersecurity practices and infrastructure to defend against cyber threats. Developing homegrown cybersecurity capabilities, investing in cybersecurity education, and strengthening collaboration with international partners can help build resilience and minimize vulnerabilities.

It is also crucial for African nations to diversify their technology partnerships and reduce dependence on a single country or company. While Chinese technology investment can bring significant benefits, diversification ensures a more balanced and secure digital ecosystem. African governments should prioritize promoting competition and establishing stringent data privacy and protection regulations.

International cooperation is vital in addressing China‘s offensive cyber operations globally. Close collaboration between African nations, other affected countries, and international organizations can help expose and mitigate the impact of these cyber intrusions. Sharing threat intelligence, coordinating responses, and engaging with Chinese authorities to address cyber espionage concerns are necessary steps in managing this challenge.

### Conclusion

China‘s offensive cyber operations in Africa, driven by its soft power agenda, have far-reaching implications for personal freedoms, national security, and the digital evolution of the continent. African nations must prioritize cybersecurity as a key component of their national security strategy and work towards building resilient and diversified digital ecosystems. International cooperation and partnerships are crucial for addressing the challenges posed by China‘s cyber operations and safeguarding the interests of African nations and the global community.

* is a current affairs commentator and writer specializing in cybersecurity and global politics. He is a regular contributor to the New York Times and holds a degree in International Relations from Columbia University.*


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