
The Underground Economy: Middle Eastern Network Access Sees Decreased Prices on the Dark Web

The Underground Economy: Middle Eastern Network Access Sees Decreased Prices on the Dark Webwordpress,undergroundeconomy,middleeasternnetwork,darkweb,decreasedprices

The Growing Threat of the Underground Business for Middle Eastern Corporate Networks


Access to corporate networks in the Middle East has become alarmingly affordable in recent years, with prices dropping by half in just one year. According to research conducted by Positive Technologies, the cost of access credentials typically ranges between $100 to $1,000 in almost half of the analyzed cases. However, a report released by Privacy Affairs in June 2022 found that access to these networks now costs as little as $35 in some instances on the Dark Web. This disturbing trend raises significant concerns about the security and integrity of corporate networks in the region.

The Dark Web and the Underground Economy

The Dark Web, a part of the internet inaccessible by conventional search engines, has become a hotbed for illegal activities, including the trading of sensitive data and unauthorized access to corporate networks. Criminal entities exploit the anonymity and encryption tools available on the Dark Web to carry out their illicit operations. The business of buying and selling compromised access to corporate networks has added a new dimension to the underground economy.

Price Fluctuations and Factors Influencing Access Costs

As with any underground market, prices for access credentials vary depending on numerous factors. Sellers have control over their prices and consider factors such as the type and rights of the access being sold, the size and revenue of the targeted company, the country and industry it operates in, and the presence of protective measures within the company. These factors collectively determine the value of the access and the asking price set by the seller.

Positive Technologies analyst Anastasiya Chursina shed light on the most popular sectors targeted by the sellers of access credentials. Government and financial institutions were most frequently mentioned among the sectors for sale. It is particularly troubling to note discussions related to oil production and wealth management on the Dark Web, with a significant focus on nations such as Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Chursina mentioned the UAE and Saudi Arabia as the most-discussed nations, followed by Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman.

Threats and Consequences

The growing availability and affordability of access to corporate networks poses significant risks to businesses in the Middle East. Unauthorized access can lead to detrimental consequences, including the theft of sensitive data, fraud, disruption of business operations, and reputational damage. With government and financial institutions being among the primary targets, the consequences can extend beyond individual organizations and adversely affect the wider economy and national security.

Protective Measures and Recommendations

Given the increasing prevalence of underground access to corporate networks, companies must prioritize the implementation of robust security measures. Anastasiya Chursina, the Positive Technologies analyst, recommends a proactive approach to building protection against attacks. This entails identifying all possible threats and developing scenarios of potential attacks by intruders. Companies should employ modern security technologies such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) in conjunction with extended detection and response (XDR) systems.

Human Factor and Security Culture

While technological safeguards are crucial, it is equally important to address the human factor in cyber defense. Employee awareness and education are pivotal in creating a security-conscious culture within organizations. Regular training sessions on recognizing and responding to social engineering attacks, phishing attempts, and other cyber threats can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.


The decreasing cost of access to Middle Eastern corporate networks on the Dark Web is a cause for deep concern. As sellers continue to profit from the underground economy, organizations across the region must take proactive steps to protect their networks and sensitive information. Adequate investment in security technologies and employee education is crucial to mitigating the risks posed by unauthorized access. Immediate action is necessary to safeguard businesses, economies, and national security in the Middle East from the growing threats of the underground business.


The Underground Economy: Middle Eastern Network Access Sees Decreased Prices on the Dark Web
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