
The Growing Threat: State-backed Hackers Level up in Sophistication and Aggressiveness

The Growing Threat: State-backed Hackers Level up in Sophistication and Aggressivenesswordpress,cybersecurity,state-backedhackers,threat,sophistication,aggressiveness


In its fourth annual Digital Defense Report, Microsoft researchers have shed light on the growing sophistication and aggressiveness of state-backed hackers, particularly those from Iran. The report highlights how these hackers are increasingly merging their cyber operations with information campaigns to spread propaganda. This shift represents a broader trend among state-supported hacking groups globally towards espionage and geopolitical influence.

Iranian cyber operations, in particular, have become more advanced and effective, with an emphasis on targeting entities in the Global South. Tehran views these tactics as strategic responses to perceived efforts to destabilize the country. Microsoft’s report indicates an evolution in Iranian cyber capabilities, showcasing improvements in targeting, cloud computing utilization, and the development of bespoke software implants.

Increasing Advanced Cyber Operations

According to Sherrod DeGrippo, Microsoft’s director of threat intelligence strategy, Iranian hackers are becoming more intentional and focused in their targeting. They are increasingly adept at leveraging vulnerabilities and conducting real cyber operations. Their improvements in offensive cyber capabilities and the combination of rudimentary operations with multi-pronged influence campaigns are enabling them to achieve geopolitical effects.

Microsoft’s 131-page report offers a comprehensive analysis of global cybersecurity and underscores the rising significance of government-sponsored spying and influence campaigns. The motivation behind these activities has shifted from high-profile cyberattacks to covert information theft, monitoring communications, and manipulating public narratives. This trend aligns with the findings of Ukraine’s top cyber defense agency, which has observed an increase in espionage and intelligence gathering by Russian hackers, particularly against law enforcement targets. The United States, Ukraine, and Israel are the primary targets of state-sponsored activity, while the Middle East has witnessed a surge in Iranian cyber operations against sectors such as education, government, information technology, and communication.

Escalating Cybercrime and Ransomware

The Microsoft report also highlights a significant rise in human-operated ransomware incidents, which have increased by over 200%, signaling the evolution of the cybercrime ecosystem. Attackers are continuously enhancing their techniques to conduct more effective and damaging attacks at scale. While the dwell time, or the time between system breach and detection, has decreased, hackers have become more adept at pivoting within compromised systems, exfiltrating files, encrypting data, and ransoming organizations. The speed at which ransomware attacks occur has become almost instantaneous, making it increasingly challenging for defenders to respond effectively.

To combat cybercrime and disrupt its financial and technological systems, Microsoft is collaborating extensively with law enforcement agencies worldwide. The company is actively cooperating with authorities, conducting domain seizures, and participating in joint efforts to disrupt criminal groups. Recent successes in cracking down on illicit copies of security testing applications and deterring Chinese targeting of facilities in Guam illustrate the impact of these collaborations.

The Proliferation of Private Contractors and Spyware

One notable trend emphasized in the report is the proliferation of private contractors and firms supplying governments and other entities with spyware and offensive cyber capabilities. Citing a report from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Microsoft highlights that 74 governments have contracted firms to access spyware and digital forensics technology. This expanding network of actors adds complexity to the already challenging task of attributing cyber threats. Determining the true origins of attacks becomes increasingly important as these new threat actors enter the scene.

Conclusion: Addressing the Evolving Cyber Threat Landscape

Microsoft’s latest report underscores the growing sophistication and aggressiveness of state-backed hackers, particularly those from Iran. The merging of cyber operations with information campaigns represents a strategic shift towards espionage and geopolitical influence. To effectively counter these evolving cyber threats, collaboration between private sector entities, law enforcement agencies, and governments is essential. Swift detection, response, and disruption of cybercriminal networks are vital for safeguarding critical infrastructure and curtailing the spread of propaganda.

Furthermore, the international community must pay close attention to the proliferation of private contractors and their access to offensive cyber capabilities. Stricter regulations, transparency, and oversight are imperative to prevent abuses and ensure accountability.


  • AJ Vicens: “Geopolitics: Microsoft – State-backed hackers grow in sophistication, aggressiveness
  • Microsoft: “Digital Defense Report”
  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: “Government Hacking Exposed”

The Growing Threat: State-backed Hackers Level up in Sophistication and Aggressiveness
<< photo by Jefferson Santos >>
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