
DoD Nears Nomination for Cyber Policy Chief: Examining the Future of Cybersecurity Leadership

DoD Nears Nomination for Cyber Policy Chief: Examining the Future of Cybersecurity Leadershipcybersecurity,DoD,cyberpolicy,cyberchief,leadership

The Need for a Position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy

The recent submission of research by the RAND Corporation on the establishment of a position for an assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy has highlighted the pressing need for improved leadership and coordination in the field of cybersecurity. As technology continues to advance, so do the threats in cyberspace, making it vital for the United States to have a strong and focused strategy to safeguard its national security interests.

The Role of the Department of Defense

The Department of Defense (DoD) plays a critical role in protecting the country from cyber threats. Cyber warfare and espionage are increasingly utilized by adversarial nations and non-state actors aiming to disrupt government systems, compromise critical infrastructure, and steal classified information. Addressing these challenges requires a dedicated and experienced individual to head the cyber policy efforts within the DoD.

RAND Corporation Research and Potential Candidates

The RAND Corporation, a non-profit research organization known for its expertise in national security and defense policy, has conducted a study to determine the necessary measures for creating the position of assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy. While the results are under review by the Defense Department, it is important for the findings to inform decisions regarding the organizational structure, resources, and workforce of the new office.

Mieke Eoyang, currently serving as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy, is considered a likely candidate for the position. However, concerns have been raised due to her background as a senior Democratic staffer and as an MSNBC commentator. With the Senate being divided along party lines, the confirmation process for such a crucial position could face challenges, potentially delaying the appointment.

Another potential candidate, Michael Sulmeyer, Principal Cyber Adviser for the Army, brings extensive experience in cyber policy from his work with the National Security Council. While the DoD has not commented on these rumored candidates, it is important to evaluate their qualifications and ability to effectively address the evolving cyber threats facing the nation.

The Importance of Strong Cybersecurity Leadership

In an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, having strong leadership in the realm of cybersecurity is essential. The United States faces a multitude of challenges, ranging from state-sponsored attacks to organized cybercriminal networks. To effectively combat these threats, it is vital to have a dedicated individual who can coordinate efforts across various defense agencies, collaborate with international partners, and develop robust policies and strategies to protect the nation’s interests.

The Need for Organizational Structure and Resources

The establishment of an assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy is a step towards strengthening cybersecurity within the United States. The position would provide a centralized authority responsible for coordinating and prioritizing cyber initiatives, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently, and promoting collaboration among different stakeholders. This organizational structure would streamline decision-making processes, enhance information sharing, and enable a more proactive and coordinated response to cyber threats.

Addressing Concerns and Ensuring Bipartisan Support

Concerns surrounding potential candidates for the position should be evaluated based on their qualifications, expertise, and ability to effectively navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity. It is essential to prioritize meritocracy and ensure that the individual chosen can garner bipartisan support. Cyber threats know no political boundaries, and the appointment of a cyber policy leader should be based solely on their ability to protect the nation’s security interests.

Advice for the Department of Defense

As the Department of Defense reviews the research submitted by the RAND Corporation and considers candidates for the position of assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy, it is crucial to prioritize the following:

1. Merit and Qualifications:

The individual chosen for this critical position should possess a deep understanding of cybersecurity, extensive experience in policy development, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the rapidly evolving cyber landscape.

2. Bipartisan Support:

In an era of increasing political polarization, it is vital to select a candidate who can build consensus and garner support from both sides of the aisle. Cybersecurity should be a non-partisan issue, and the success of the position relies on the ability to bridge political divides to safeguard the nation’s security.

3. Adequate Resources:

The Department of Defense must ensure that the new office for cyber policy receives the necessary resources to effectively carry out its mandate. This includes budgetary allocations, staffing, and technological capabilities to address the evolving cyber threats.

4. Collaboration and Partnerships:

Enhancing collaboration with international partners, private sector entities, and academia is crucial in combating cyber threats. The new assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy should prioritize building strong relationships and fostering information sharing to stay ahead of emerging threats.


The establishment of a position for an assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy is a significant step towards bolstering the United States’ cybersecurity posture. The research submitted by the RAND Corporation provides valuable insights into the organizational structure and workforce requirements of the new office. However, it is essential to prioritize merit, bipartisan support, and adequate resources in the selection process. With strong leadership and collaboration, the United States can ward off cyber threats and protect its national security interests in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.


DoD Nears Nomination for Cyber Policy Chief: Examining the Future of Cybersecurity Leadership
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