
Kaspersky’s Discovery: Unveiling an Elegant Malware Resembling NSA Code

Kaspersky's Discovery: Unveiling an Elegant Malware Resembling NSA Codewordpress,cybersecurity,malware,Kaspersky,NSA,code,cybersecuritynews,cybersecurityresearch

Cybercrime: Kaspersky reveals ‘elegant’ malware resembling NSA code

The Discovery

In a recent report, Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky has revealed the discovery of a highly sophisticated malware that combines cryptocurrency mining with espionage capabilities. This malware, named StripedFly, bears similarities to code associated with the National Security Agency (NSA). While it is common for Western cybersecurity firms to publish reports on hacking operations sponsored by countries like Russia, Iran, and China, detailed examinations of Western cyber operations are harder to come by. Thus, Kaspersky‘s report provides valuable insights into the workings of this espionage framework.

The Framework

The StripedFly framework is capable of performing various actions, including taking screenshots, stealing login information, accessing Wi-Fi network details, recording audio, and exfiltrating sensitive files. It leverages an exploit called EternalBlue, which was originally developed by the NSA and leaked online in 2016. The use of EternalBlue raises questions about the origin of the malware, as it has been abused by non-American hacking groups in the past. Nevertheless, the sophistication of the other components of StripedFly suggests the involvement of a highly skilled actor.

Combined Capabilities

What makes StripedFly more than just a cryptocurrency miner is its combination of espionage and secure communication capabilities. It includes a cryptocurrency mining module, a custom ransomware variant called ThunderCrypt, and a custom Tor client for secure communication with a hidden command and control server. The fact that the creators of the malware designed their own Tor client, which is a time-consuming and sophisticated endeavor, demonstrates their expertise. These additional capabilities make it unlikely that the malware was solely designed for trivial purposes.

Attribution Challenges

Determining the true origin of the malware is difficult. The coding style and practices seen in StripedFly resemble those previously associated with the Equation Group, an operation linked to the NSA. However, Kaspersky‘s researchers state that there is no direct evidence connecting StripedFly to the Equation Group. It is worth noting that malware developers sometimes include false flags to mislead investigators. Therefore, caution should be exercised when attributing cyber operations to specific actors.

The Role of EternalBlue

The StripedFly framework’s earliest version was created before the EternalBlue exploit was leaked by the Shadow Brokers group in August 2016. However, Chinese hackers had also exploited EternalBlue before the leak. The similarities between StripedFly and malware associated with the Equation Group, as well as the presence of the EternalBlue exploit, suggest a potential link. However, without concrete evidence, any attribution remains speculative.

Internet Security and Implications

Security Concerns

The emergence of sophisticated malware such as StripedFly demonstrates the evolving landscape of cybercrime. The combination of espionage capabilities with cryptocurrency mining poses significant risks to individuals, organizations, and even governments. The malware‘s ability to steal sensitive information and exploit vulnerabilities in communication networks highlights the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Protecting Against Cyber Threats

Given the ever-increasing sophistication of cyber threats, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to prioritize internet security. This includes implementing several best practices:

1. Keep Software Updated:

Regularly update operating systems, applications, and antivirus software to protect against known vulnerabilities.

2. Use Strong and Unique Passwords:

Create complex passwords and use different ones for each online account. Consider using a password manager to help manage them securely.

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication:

Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security to online accounts.

4. Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts:

Beware of suspicious emails, messages, or links that may be attempts to trick you into revealing sensitive information. Verify the authenticity of the sender before responding or clicking on any links.

5. Regularly Back Up Data:

Back up important files and data regularly to ensure they can be restored in case of a security breach or other incidents.

Editorial: The Growing Threat of Cyber Espionage

Increasing Sophistication

The discovery of malware like StripedFly highlights the increasing sophistication of cyber espionage activities. Hackers are constantly refining their methods and exploiting vulnerabilities in both software and human behavior. The combination of cryptocurrency mining and espionage capabilities signifies a dangerous convergence of motives.

The Need for International Cooperation

Given the global nature of cyber threats, it is imperative for governments, cybersecurity firms, and international organizations to collaborate in addressing these challenges. Sharing intelligence, coordinating responses, and establishing norms and regulations for cyberspace are vital steps in mitigating the risks posed by cyber espionage.

The Role of Governments

Governments have a responsibility to protect their citizens from cyber threats, both domestic and foreign. This includes investing in robust cybersecurity infrastructure, supporting research and development in the field, and fostering partnerships with the private sector. Governments should also prioritize the ethical use of cyber capabilities and avoid engaging in cyber espionage activities that harm innocent individuals and organizations.

Individual Vigilance

While governments and cybersecurity firms play a critical role in countering cyber threats, individuals must also remain vigilant. Cyber hygiene practices, such as regularly updating software and using strong passwords, are important for safeguarding personal and organizational data. Additionally, being cautious of phishing attempts and staying informed about emerging threats can help individuals protect themselves from cybercriminals.


The discovery of StripedFly, a sophisticated malware combining cryptocurrency mining and espionage capabilities, underscores the evolving landscape of cybercrime. As individuals and organizations rely more on digital platforms, it is essential to prioritize cybersecurity measures. Governments should invest in robust cybersecurity infrastructure and international cooperation, while individuals must remain vigilant and adopt best practices to protect themselves from cyber threats. Ultimately, addressing the challenges posed by cyber espionage requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach involving all stakeholders.


<< photo by Jefferson Santos >>
The image is for illustrative purposes only and does not depict the actual situation.

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