
The Hidden Expenses of UEM: Uncovering the True Cost of Switching

The Hidden Expenses of UEM: Uncovering the True Cost of Switchingwordpress,UEM,hiddenexpenses,truecost,switching

The Importance of Choosing the Right UEM Solution

As organizations navigate the remote, hybrid, and constantly changing work landscape, the need for a high-caliber, enterprise-grade unified endpoint management (UEM) solution has become more critical than ever. Procurement and finance professionals are facing immense pressure to select the right UEM solution that will drive operational efficiency through cost savings and overhead optimization. While Microsoft Intune may seem like a solid choice for endpoint management with its cloud-based solution and clear name recognition, it is essential not to make purchasing decisions based solely on brand name and pricing.

Evaluating UEM Solutions: Look Beneath the Surface

When evaluating UEM solutions, it is crucial to go beyond brand names and pricing and thoroughly examine the capabilities and suitability of each option for your organization’s specific needs. Asking the right questions is key to making an informed decision:

  • What type of devices will I be using the UEM solution for? Determine whether the solution is primarily for mobile devices, laptops or desktops, or a combination.
  • How is my IT help desk going to support and troubleshoot these devices? Consider the additional cost per year to support and ensure that the solution aligns with your support requirements.
  • What are the licensing agreements like? Evaluate whether the licensing structure suits your needs and whether the pricing scales based on usage.
  • Do my employees use one type of device and operating system or a mix? Determine whether the UEM solution can handle a mixed device and operating system environment and provide consistent performance.
  • Would my IT and security team benefit more from a central dashboard or integrated Mobile Threat Defense capabilities? Analyze whether your organization requires a single-pane-of-glass view or advanced threat detection and response capabilities.
  • How does the solution integrate with other vendors, third-party apps, and existing solutions? Ensure seamless integration to maximize efficiency and productivity.
  • How much additional manpower and infrastructure will be required to manage the solution? Determine whether the solution requires additional IT staff or servers to support its implementation.

While some of these questions may seem technical, their answers can significantly impact the usability and total cost of ownership of the UEM solution. Evaluating these factors will help organizations make an informed decision that aligns with their unique needs.

The True Cost of Ownership

When examining the total cost of ownership, organizations must consider the suitability of the UEM solution to their specific verticals and businesses. While Microsoft Intune offers strengths such as lightweight support on operating systems like Android and macOS, it may not be recommended for businesses that require robust support on third-party applications or a complete systems-management platform.

Organizations with diverse endpoints and numerous third-party apps may find themselves in a challenging position if they choose a UEM solution that is not equipped to handle their requirements. They may either tolerate significant vulnerability due to gaps in functionality or incur additional costs to invest in a more comprehensive solution. These organizations may also need to acquire additional software to run on specific operating systems, which further adds to the overall expenses.

It is essential to highlight some of the hidden expenses associated with Microsoft Intune. For instance, Microsoft charges additional costs per year for Remote Help/Remote View of mobile devices. Additionally, the pricing of Intune is partly based on the volume of data transmitted, making it challenging to predict and budget for usage fees. This can create difficulties when balancing the unlimited flow of protected data with managing costs.

Furthermore, many enterprises have found themselves needing to purchase more servers and hire additional administrators to manage Intune effectively. These additional infrastructure and staffing costs can significantly impact organizations’ bottom lines.

The Bottom Line for Your Bottom Line

While Microsoft Intune may be a fantastic option for organizations with straightforward needs, lightweight mobile applications mainly on the same operating system, and a preference for a cost-effective solution, it is crucial to perform due diligence and explore more flexible options for more complicated requirements.

Regardless of the UEM solution chosen, organizations should not go without one. The security of the company’s endpoints depends on implementing a comprehensive UEM solution that aligns with their specific needs and capabilities.

As organizations evaluate UEM solutions, it is imperative to look beyond brand names and pricing, delve into details, and identify the solution that best suits their unique requirements. Only then can organizations truly achieve operational efficiency, cost savings, and optimal security for their endpoints in today’s dynamic work landscape.


The Hidden Expenses of UEM: Uncovering the True Cost of Switching
<< photo by Carlos Muza >>
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