
The Hidden Dangers of Browser Extensions: Threats to Passwords and Sensitive Information

The Hidden Dangers of Browser Extensions: Threats to Passwords and Sensitive Informationwordpress,browserextensions,security,passwordprotection,sensitiveinformation,onlinethreats

Browsing Extensions Exposing User Data

October 30, 2023 |


In the digital age, online privacy and data security have become paramount concerns. We trust that when we enter sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers into websites, it will be kept secure. However, a recent study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has revealed a vulnerability in popular websites that could compromise user data. The researchers found that some browser extensions have the ability to extract passwords and other sensitive information from HTML code, putting user privacy at risk.

The Discovery

A team of digital security researchers, led by PhD students Asmit Nayak and Rishabh Khandelwal, stumbled upon this issue while investigating Google login webpages. They noticed that the password was visible in plain text within the HTML source code. Curious about the extent of this vulnerability, they delved deeper and discovered that approximately 15% of more than 7,000 websites they examined stored sensitive information in plain text in their HTML source code.

The Role of Browser Extensions

Browsing extensions, small pieces of code that enhance the functionality of web browsers, have enjoyed popularity among internet users. These extensions allow users to customize their browsing experience, such as blocking ads or improving productivity. The researchers found that a malicious extension, developed using common programming languages, could access users’ login information and passwords. In their investigation of the Google Chrome browser, they found that 17,300 extensions (12.5% of the available extensions) had the necessary permissions to exploit this vulnerability.

Evolving Tactics

Understanding that real hackers would likely take advantage of existing extensions rather than starting from scratch, the researchers warned of the potential dangers. They explained that malicious actors could acquire extensions with a substantial user base and tweak the code to gain access to passwords easily. The researchers stress that their own experiments, including one where they submitted their own extension to the Chrome Web Store, demonstrate how exploitable this vulnerability is. While they promptly removed their submitted extension and assured no harm was done, it raises concerns about the security of user data.

Browser Security and Password Managers

This vulnerability raises questions about the design of browser security. The researchers speculate that browser security configurations may be intentionally set this way to allow popular password manager extensions access to password information. Google, in response to the researchers, stated that it does not consider this a security flaw, especially if permissions for extensions are configured correctly. However, Fawaz, one of the researchers, believes that websites need to reconsider how they handle sensitive information and proposes implementing alerts to notify users when their data is being accessed by browser extensions.

Protecting User Data

The implications of this vulnerability are significant, highlighting the importance of safeguarding sensitive information online. While browser developers and websites need to address this issue, users also play a crucial role in protecting their data. Here are a few measures users can take:

Regularly Review Extensions

Users should periodically review the extensions they have installed and assess their necessity. Remove any unnecessary or suspicious extensions to minimize potential vulnerabilities.

Exercise Caution with Third-Party Extensions

Third-party extensions, developed by individuals or organizations outside of established browser developers, may carry higher risks. Exercise caution and err on the side of caution when considering such extensions.

Stay Informed and Follow Expert Advice

Stay informed about the latest developments in online security and privacy. Platforms like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and cybersecurity experts regularly provide guidance on best practices and emerging threats. Following their advice can help users stay proactive in protecting their data.

Utilize Reputable Password Managers

While password managers play an essential role in managing multiple complex passwords, users should choose reputable and well-reviewed options. Research and select password managers known for their robust security measures.


The vulnerability discovered by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison should serve as a wake-up call for both users and those responsible for web security. While passwords and sensitive information should be adequately protected, this study exposes a potential gap in that protection. Users must remain vigilant, regularly review their browsing extensions, and follow expert advice to minimize their exposure to online threats. Meanwhile, browser developers and website owners should take this research seriously and prioritize the enhancement of data security measures to protect user privacy.


The Hidden Dangers of Browser Extensions: Threats to Passwords and Sensitive Information
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