
“Microsoft’s Latest Discovery: Banking AitM Phishing and BEC Attacks on Financial Giants”

"Microsoft's Latest Discovery: Banking AitM Phishing and BEC Attacks on Financial Giants"cybersecurity,Microsoft,phishing,BEC,financialinstitutions

Save Time on Network Security With This Guide: Perimeter 81’s Network Security Platform

As cyber attacks become more commonplace, individuals, businesses, and financial institutions must invest in a secure network infrastructure. But with the ever-increasing cyber threats and evolving tactics, IT managers are faced with the daunting task of keeping their systems secure while minimizing operational costs.

Fortunately, there is a solution: Perimeter 81. It is an innovative network security company that provides an easy-to-use, software-defined secure network platform designed to help businesses automate and streamline their security operations.

Banking Security and Cybersecurity: A Critical Need

The global financial industry faces constant security risks due to the nature of their work. Banking is an attractive target to hackers because of the valuable information they store, such as personal data, account information, and financial records.

According to the Financial Times, phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams cost institutions around $300 million a year globally. Microsoft’s Security Team reports over 90% of cyber breaches are triggered by a phishing attack.

Being aware of these risks, financial institutions must take all necessary measures to protect their sensitive information. Perimeter 81’s network security platform is a solution that can help secure the confidential data of banking and financial industries.

The Perimeter 81 Difference

Perimeter 81’s platform is different from traditional VPN solutions because it is cloud-based and easy to deploy, allowing IT managers to focus on other tasks. It simplifies the process of setting up a secure network for your organization and allows remote workforces to connect securely to your network.

Perimeter 81 offers a single management console where network security can be configured, deployed, and managed, making it easier for IT professionals to monitor their organization’s network activity.

Advice and Concerns

While Perimeter 81 provides an innovative solution to network security, organizations must not rely entirely on a single security solution. Multiple layers of security must be implemented to ensure a secure network.

Educating employees to identify and avoid phishing scams is another way to reduce the risk of cyber threats. Additionally, routine security assessments can help identify vulnerabilities and provide an opportunity to proactively address security threats.

Final Words

With cyber threats on the rise, businesses must take proactive steps to safeguard their assets. Although there is no perfect solution, Perimeter 81’s network security platform offers an easy-to-use, efficient, and secure solution to keep your organization’s network secure. Coupled with regular security assessments and employee training, Perimeter 81’s platform can help to reduce the risk of costly and damaging data breaches.

Banking Security-cybersecurity,Microsoft,phishing,BEC,financialinstitutions

<< photo by Mikhail Nilov >>

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