The Dark Side of Online Shopping: Human-Assisted CAPTCHA-Cracking Services Fuel Shopper Botsonlineshopping,CAPTCHA,shopperbots,cybersecurity,human-assisted,crackingservices

The Dark Side of Online Shopping: Human-Assisted CAPTCHA-Cracking Services Fuel Shopper Bots

Cybercriminals Now Have Access to Human-Assisted CAPTCHA-Breaking Services In recent times, the cyber-underground menu has added a new service, i.e., human-assisted CAPTCHA breaking functionality. This has raised concerns that website administrators must adopt additional measures to protect their websites from bots. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) challenges are…

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The Skyrocketing Menace of Spyware: Over 400 Million Apps Downloaded Through Google Playspyware,cybersecurity,GooglePlay,mobileapps,dataprivacy

The Skyrocketing Menace of Spyware: Over 400 Million Apps Downloaded Through Google Play

Spyware Disguised as Marketing SDK Found in 101 Android Applications The popular Android applications like Noizz, Zapya, VFly, and Biugo have been found to contain spyware disguised as a marketing software development kit (SDK) that could extract and report sensitive data from users’ devices without their consent. According to Doctor Web, the Russian antivirus vendor,…

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The Alarming Rise of Cybercrime Enabled by CAPTCHA-Breaking Services with Human Solverscybercrime,captcha,breakingservices,humansolvers,security,onlinefraud

The Alarming Rise of Cybercrime Enabled by CAPTCHA-Breaking Services with Human Solvers

Save Time on Network Security With This Guide As the world continues to become more digital, the issue of online security has become more urgent than ever. Cybercrime, online fraud, and other forms of digital attacks have become more prevalent, and businesses are facing an increasingly complex and sophisticated threat landscape. It’s the IT Manager’s…

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Exploring the Growing Threat of Sophisticated Travel-Related Phishing and BEC Scams This Summer.phishing,BECscams,travel-related,cybersecurity,summerthreats

Exploring the Growing Threat of Sophisticated Travel-Related Phishing and BEC Scams This Summer.

Phishing Scams with Travel-Themed Lures Ramp Up Ahead of Summer Holiday Season As the summer holiday season approaches, phishing scams with travel-themed lures are gaining momentum, posing a significant threat to individuals and organizations alike. A recent survey by McAfee found that almost one-third (30%) of adults have either fallen victim to, or know someone…

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"Unearthing the Alarming Surge of Advanced Phishing Attacks in 2022: A Perception Point Report"cybersecurity,phishingattacks,advancedthreats,PerceptionPoint,report,2022

“Unearthing the Alarming Surge of Advanced Phishing Attacks in 2022: A Perception Point Report”

Advanced Phishing Attacks Rose by 356% in 2022, Perceived Risks to Organizations Introduction A recently published Annual Report by Perception Point has informed that the number of advanced phishing attacks rose by 356% in 2022. Overall, the total number of cyber-attacks has increased by 87% – it indicates a growing need for an organization to…

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"Behind the Scenes of Brazil's Cybercrime Networks: Insights from 'Operation Magalenha'"cybercrime,Brazil,OperationMagalenha,network,insights

“Behind the Scenes of Brazil’s Cybercrime Networks: Insights from ‘Operation Magalenha'”

[object Object] Cybercrime–cybercrime,Brazil,OperationMagalenha,network,insights > You might want to read ! Examining the rise of cybersecurity investments: Sekoia.io’s successful $37.5 million fundraising campaign “Cynet’s Cybersecurity Solution Saves Hospital from Deadly Infection” The Troubles Caused by Ambiguous Cyber Disclosure Rules and CISO Criminalization Uncovering the Latest Iranian Cyber Attack: A Look into the New PowerExchange Backdoor Isolated…

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Why Portuguese financial institutions should be concerned about Brazilian hackers targeting themcybersecurity,financialinstitutions,Brazil,hackers,Portuguese,threat

Why Portuguese financial institutions should be concerned about Brazilian hackers targeting them

Brazilian Hackers Target Portuguese Financial Institutions in Operation Magalenha A Brazilian hacking group has initiated a potent cyber-attack campaign against more than thirty Portuguese financial institutions in an effort to breach their security systems and gain unauthorized access to sensitive financial data. This cybercrime illustrates the persistent nature of the Brazilian cybercriminal underground and is…

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The Secret Tracking of Advertisers: Exposing Their Unseen Surveillanceprivacy,advertising,surveillance,tracking,onlinetracking,datacollection

The Secret Tracking of Advertisers: Exposing Their Unseen Surveillance

Experts warn that advertisers are tracking your every move, even in places you thought were off-limits Many people assume that certain locations, such as medical clinics, therapist offices, addiction treatment centers, and places of worship, are off-limits for tech companies to gather personal data. However, a Northeastern University cybersecurity expert, Christo Wilson, warns that this…

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