The Rise of Turnkey Rootkits: Fueling Supply Chain Attacks through Amateur Hackerswordpress,turnkeyrootkits,supplychainattacks,amateurhackers

The Rise of Turnkey Rootkits: Fueling Supply Chain Attacks through Amateur Hackers

Researchers Discover Typosquatting npm Package Concealing Discord Remote Access Trojan The Rise of Turnkey Hacking Tools Researchers at ReversingLabs have recently uncovered a dangerous cybersecurity threat: a typosquatting npm package hiding a full-service Discord remote access Trojan (RAT). This malware, known as “DiscordRAT 2.0,” is designed to lower the barrier to entry for newbie hackers…

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How Can a Turnkey Rootkit Empower Amateur Hackers to Execute Supply Chain Attacks?wordpress,cybersecurity,turnkeyrootkit,amateurhackers,supplychainattacks

How Can a Turnkey Rootkit Empower Amateur Hackers to Execute Supply Chain Attacks?

Researchers Discover Malicious NPM Package Concealing Discord Remote Access Trojan An Easy Entry Point for Open Source Software Supply Chain Attacks In a concerning development for internet security, researchers have recently uncovered a typosquatting npm package that hides a full-service Discord remote access Trojan (RAT) capable of functioning as a turnkey hacking tool. Dubbed “DiscordRAT…

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