Mac and iPhone Users Beware: iLeakage Attack Threatens Data SecurityMac,iPhone,iLeakage,datasecurity,attack,threat

Mac and iPhone Users Beware: iLeakage Attack Threatens Data Security

Mobile & Wireless iLeakage Attack Exploits Safari to Steal Sensitive Data From Macs, iPhones Introduction A team of academic researchers has discovered a new side-channel attack called iLeakage that exploits Safari, the default browser on Apple devices, to steal sensitive information from Macs, iPhones, and iPads. This attack, which resembles the Spectre-style attack, relies on…

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Former Soviet States Under Attack: The Perplexing Case of Kazakh Assailants Disguised as Azerbaijaniswordpress,formersovietstates,attack,kazakh,azerbaijanis

Former Soviet States Under Attack: The Perplexing Case of Kazakh Assailants Disguised as Azerbaijanis

Kazakhstan Attack Group Poses as Azerbaijani in Phishing Campaign A cyber attack group known as YoroTrooper, that specializes in sending phishing messages, has been discovered operating under the disguise of an Azerbaijani origin. The group, first identified in June 2022, primarily targets former Soviet republics such as Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, as well as Azerbaijan….

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Exploring the Subterfuge: Unveiling the Stealth Techniques of the 'Operation Triangulation' iOS AttackiOS,OperationTriangulation,StealthTechniques,Subterfuge,Attack

Exploring the Subterfuge: Unveiling the Stealth Techniques of the ‘Operation Triangulation’ iOS Attack

Malware and Threats Stealth Techniques Used in ‘Operation Triangulation’ iOS Attack Dissected A recent report by Kaspersky, a Russian cybersecurity vendor, has exposed the stealth techniques used in the iOS zero-click attacks known as ‘Operation Triangulation.’ The attacks targeted the iPhones of dozens of Kaspersky senior employees earlier this year and focused on exercising stealth…

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Canada's Lawmakers Under Attack: Unveiling China's 'Spamouflage' Disinformation Campaignwordpress,Canada,lawmakers,attack,China,spamouflage,disinformationcampaign

Canada’s Lawmakers Under Attack: Unveiling China’s ‘Spamouflage’ Disinformation Campaign

Nation-State Canada: Lawmakers Targeted by China-Linked ‘Spamouflage‘ Disinformation The Canadian government recently issued a warning about a disinformation campaign linked to China that targeted Canadian lawmakers. The campaign, dubbed “Spamouflage,” involved waves of online posts and deepfake videos that aimed to discredit and disparage Canadian politicians, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and opposition leader Pierre…

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Egyptian Opposition Leader Under Attack: Targeted by Spyware, Researchers Revealwordpress,cybersecurity,spyware,Egyptianopposition,leader,attack,targeted,researchers,reveal

Egyptian Opposition Leader Under Attack: Targeted by Spyware, Researchers Reveal

Leading Egyptian Opposition Politician Targeted with Spyware, Researchers Find Introduction In a concerning development, security researchers have discovered that a leading Egyptian opposition politician, Ahmed Altantawy, was targeted with spyware multiple times after announcing his presidential bid. The researchers believe that Egyptian authorities were likely behind these attempted hacks. The discovery of this malware has…

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"Unpatched NetScaler Instances Under Attack as Credential Harvesting Campaign Resurfaces"wordpress,cybersecurity,NetScaler,patching,credentialharvesting,attack,campaign

“Unpatched NetScaler Instances Under Attack as Credential Harvesting Campaign Resurfaces”

Malware & Threats Credential Harvesting Campaign Targets Unpatched NetScaler Instances A credential harvesting campaign is targeting unpatched Citrix NetScaler gateways, aiming to steal user credentials, according to a report by IBM. The campaign exploits a vulnerability known as CVE-2023-3519, which was disclosed in July and has been exploited since June 2023. It has been used…

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Cyber Espionage Attack Strikes Guyana Governmental Entity: Unveiling the Implicationscyberespionage,attack,Guyana,governmentalentity,implications

Cyber Espionage Attack Strikes Guyana Governmental Entity: Unveiling the Implications

The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance Introduction In today’s interconnected world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, along with its many benefits, the increasing cyber threats pose a significant concern for individuals, organizations, and governments alike. Recent events involving cyber espionage and attacks on governmental entities, like the one in…

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Cyberwarfare Unleashed: The International Criminal Court Under Attackwordpress,cyberwarfare,internationalcriminalcourt,attack

Cyberwarfare Unleashed: The International Criminal Court Under Attack

The International Criminal Court’s Cybersecurity Breach: A Wake-Up Call for International Organizations Investigation into the Cyberattack The International Criminal Court (ICC) recently disclosed that it fell victim to a cyberattack, highlighting the increasingly prevalent threat of hacking that even high-profile organizations face. The ICC, in collaboration with Dutch authorities, is actively investigating the incident but…

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The Growing Threat: Middle East Telecom Companies Under Attack by ShroudedSnooper's HTTPSnoop Backdoorwordpress,cybersecurity,MiddleEast,telecomcompanies,attack,ShroudedSnooper,HTTPSnoop,backdoor

The Growing Threat: Middle East Telecom Companies Under Attack by ShroudedSnooper’s HTTPSnoop Backdoor

Cybersecurity Myths and Online Behavior Inconsistencies among Mac Users: A Comprehensive Survey Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technology, the issue of cybersecurity continues to be a critical concern. With cyber-attacks becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, it is essential for Mac users to be aware of potential risks and adopt secure online practices. A…

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