India Approves Controversial Data Protection Bill Amid Privacy Concernswordpress,dataprotection,privacy,India,controversial,bill

India Approves Controversial Data Protection Bill Amid Privacy Concerns

Data Protection Legislation Passed in India Amid Privacy Concerns Summary Indian lawmakers recently approved a data protection legislation aimed at regulating big tech firms and penalizing companies for data breaches. However, several groups and experts have raised concerns about potential privacy violations and government overreach. Critics argue that the legislation could allow the government and…

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Apple's Privacy Standoff: Why the UK's Proposed Encryption Bill is Raising Concernswordpress,privacy,encryption,UK,bill,concerns

Apple’s Privacy Standoff: Why the UK’s Proposed Encryption Bill is Raising Concerns

The Privacy Concerns Surrounding the UK‘s Online Safety Bill Apple and Tech Experts Appeal to UK Lawmakers Apple, along with more than 80 technology experts and organizations, has joined in an appeal to UK lawmakers regarding the pending legislation called the Online Safety Bill. This bill aims to hold technology platforms accountable for their role…

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