Apple's Safari browser remains susceptible to Spectre attacks, study revealssafari,browser,spectreattacks,vulnerability,security,study

Apple’s Safari browser remains susceptible to Spectre attacks, study reveals

Apple’s Safari Browser Still Vulnerable to Spectre Attacks, Researchers Show Introduction In 2018, the Spectre attack revealed a fundamental vulnerability in the hardware architecture of modern processors, allowing attackers to exploit sensitive data. Manufacturers, including Apple, implemented countermeasures to protect against this type of attack. However, recent research conducted by a team from Ruhr University…

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Is Microsoft's New Move set to Disrupt the Enterprise Browser Market?microsoft,enterprise,browser,market,disruption

Is Microsoft’s New Move set to Disrupt the Enterprise Browser Market?

Funding/M&A Did Microsoft Just Upend the Enterprise Browser Market? Introduction Microsoft‘s recent release of “Microsoft Edge for Business,” a browser product with native enterprise-grade security and manageability features, is causing ripples in the venture-backed startup ecosystem of Silicon Valley. This move threatens to disrupt several startups that have raised significant funding to develop security-themed browsers…

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