Using WinRAR? Patch Now to Protect Against Critical Code Execution Bugswordpress,WinRAR,patch,codeexecution,bugs

Using WinRAR? Patch Now to Protect Against Critical Code Execution Bugs

WinRAR Code Execution Bugs Pose Security Risks Overview WinRAR, the popular file archiving program, is facing security vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to code execution bugs. The vulnerabilities involve the use of recovery volumes and the handling of ZIP files. These bugs could allow attackers to execute malicious code or trick users into launching unintended…

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WinRAR Users Beware: Patch Now to Prevent Code Execution Bugswordpress,security,WinRAR,codeexecution,patch,bugs

WinRAR Users Beware: Patch Now to Prevent Code Execution Bugs

Using WinRAR? Be sure to patch against these code execution bugsā€¦ August 23, 2023 In recent news, it has been discovered that WinRAR, the popular file compression and decompression software, is plagued by two security vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to code execution. These vulnerabilities, identified as CVE-2023-40477 and an unnamed bug, have the potential…

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Bugs Unveiling Their Magnificent Monikerswordpress,bugs,naming,tagnames,analysis

Bugs Unveiling Their Magnificent Monikers

S3 Ep145: Bugs With Impressive Names! Overview In the latest episode of the Naked Security podcast, hosts Doug Aamoth and Paul Ducklin discuss a variety of topics related to Apple’s recent security patches, vulnerabilities in the TETRA radio system, and a new bug called Zenbleed that affects AMD processors. They provide insights into the significance…

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The Unseen Risks: How Peloton Bugs Pose Threats to Enterprise Networkswordpress,peloton,bugs,enterprisenetworks,risks,cybersecurity

The Unseen Risks: How Peloton Bugs Pose Threats to Enterprise Networks

Internet-connected Peloton Treadmill Found Vulnerable to Attack Vectors Research Reveals Potential Security Flaws Researchers from Check Point Software have discovered potential vulnerabilities in the popular Peloton Tread treadmill. The fitness equipment, which is connected to the Internet, is susceptible to data leaks and can serve as an initial pathway for attacks. The researchers found that…

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Exploring the Security Risks: An In-Depth Look at the Rockwell Automation ControlLogix Bugswordpress,securityrisks,RockwellAutomation,ControlLogix,bugs,in-depthanalysis

Exploring the Security Risks: An In-Depth Look at the Rockwell Automation ControlLogix Bugs

Internet Security: Protecting Your Data and Devices in the Digital Age Introduction In today’s interconnected world, where technology plays an increasingly integral role in our daily lives, the need for robust internet security measures has never been more critical. The rapid advancement of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, and identity theft, highlights the urgency…

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The Vulnerability Within: Unveiling the 4 SAP Bugs, Exposing an ABAP Kernel Flawwordpress,vulnerability,SAP,bugs,ABAP,kernelflaw

The Vulnerability Within: Unveiling the 4 SAP Bugs, Exposing an ABAP Kernel Flaw

Vulnerabilities in SAP‘s Application Server for ABAP Pose Significant Security Risks Organizations running business-critical applications on SAP‘s Application Server for ABAP platform technology should be alarmed by the details revealed in a technical paper presented at Trooper’s cybersecurity conference in Germany. The paper, produced by research firm SEC Consult, highlights four critical vulnerabilities in the…

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"Microsoft's Latest Patch Tuesday Addresses Critical RCE Bugs and Office Vulnerabilities"Microsoft,PatchTuesday,RCE,Bugs,Office,Vulnerabilities

“Microsoft’s Latest Patch Tuesday Addresses Critical RCE Bugs and Office Vulnerabilities”

Patch Tuesday Fixes Critical Remote Code Execution Bugs and Office Vulnerabilities Microsoft‘s latest Patch Tuesday has seen the fixing of 26 remote code execution (RCE) bugs, with four of these being considered critical fixes. RCE patches are of particular concern due to the possibility of them being exploited by cybercriminals looking for ways to break…

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