The Cloud's Achilles' Heel: Jupyter Notebook Vulnerabilities Expose Credential Theft Riskscloudsecurity,JupyterNotebook,vulnerability,credentialtheft,riskassessment

The Cloud’s Achilles’ Heel: Jupyter Notebook Vulnerabilities Expose Credential Theft Risks

Dual Attempt at Cryptomining and Cloud Compromise Highlights the Need for Cloud Security Introduction Researchers have recently discovered a Tunisian hacker who used Jupyter Notebook and various malware to engage in cryptomining and compromise cloud environments. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prioritizing cloud security, especially as advanced productivity tools are…

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The Rising Threat of Credential Theft: How Dropbox Outpaces Microsoft SharePointwordpress,tagnames,credentialtheft,Dropbox,MicrosoftSharePoint,threat,cybersecurity

The Rising Threat of Credential Theft: How Dropbox Outpaces Microsoft SharePoint

Threat actors exploit Dropbox to steal Microsoft credentials in BEC campaign Evasion of NLP and URL scanning In a fast-growing business email compromise (BEC) campaign, threat actors are leveraging messages sent from Dropbox to steal Microsoft user credentials. This campaign, identified by researchers at Check Point Harmony, demonstrates the rapid evolution of BEC attacks and…

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The Cyber Battle for Credentials: Exploring the State of Credential Theft in 2023wordpress,cybersecurity,credentialtheft,cyberbattle,stateofcredentialtheft,2023

The Cyber Battle for Credentials: Exploring the State of Credential Theft in 2023

Report: Defending Against Credential Phishing Introduction In today’s interconnected world, where digital technologies dominate nearly every aspect of our lives, cybersecurity has become a critical concern. One of the most prevalent and dangerous types of cyber attacks is credential phishing, which targets individuals’ usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information. This report delves into expert strategies…

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Microsoft Raises Alarm Over Large-Scale Credential Theft Campaign by Russian Hackersmicrosoft,alarm,large-scale,credentialtheft,campaign,russianhackers

Microsoft Raises Alarm Over Large-Scale Credential Theft Campaign by Russian Hackers

Cybersecurity and API Security Testing The Importance of API Security APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) serve as the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless interactions between different systems and allowing for the exchange of data and services. However, this interconnectedness also presents significant challenges in terms of security. With the increasing number of high-profile data…

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The Danger of SuperMailer Abuse: A Bypass to Email Security for Credential Theftemailsecurity,SuperMailer,credentialtheft,abuse,danger

The Danger of SuperMailer Abuse: A Bypass to Email Security for Credential Theft

Phishing Campaigns Use SuperMailer to Evade Email Security A high-volume, credential-harvesting campaign is using a legitimate email newsletter program called SuperMailer to send phishing emails designed to evade secure email gateway (SEG) protections. This campaign’s monthly volume has more than doubled in three out of the past four months, accounting for a significant 5% of…

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"Zero-Click Windows Vulnerability: The Looming Threat of NTLM Credential Theft"windows,vulnerability,NTLM,credentialtheft,security

“Zero-Click Windows Vulnerability: The Looming Threat of NTLM Credential Theft”

As the digital world is expanding, network security becomes a pressing concern for businesses and individuals alike. The threat landscape is real, and with the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, ensuring the safety of our data and devices has become more complex. The need for efficient and effective network security has never been more important, and…

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