Malicious 'Airstrike Alert' App Targets Israelis: Exposing the DangerMaliciousapp,Airstrikealert,Cybersecurity,Israel,Danger,Threat,Mobileapp,Malware,Cyberattack,Securitybreach

Malicious ‘Airstrike Alert’ App Targets Israelis: Exposing the Danger

Report: Attackers Exploit Airstrike Alert App to Collect Sensitive Data Introduction In a recent report by Cloudflare, it has been revealed that pro-Palestinian threat groups have been using a modified version of the widely used open-source application, RedAlert, to deceive users and collect their sensitive data. The attackers are taking advantage of the widespread usage…

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The Article - Exploring the Latest Smartphone Vulnerability Threat: User Location Tracking Dangerwordpress,article,smartphone,vulnerability,threat,userlocationtracking,danger

The Article – Exploring the Latest Smartphone Vulnerability Threat: User Location Tracking Danger

New Smartphone Vulnerability: Hackers Could Track User Location Introduction A newly discovered vulnerability in text messaging has raised concerns about the potential for hackers to track user locations. Evangelos Bitsikas, a Ph.D. student at Northeastern University, and his research group have found a way to exploit this vulnerability using machine learning. This issue has serious…

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Isolated from Danger: Protecting Branch Offices in Risky Regionssecurity,branchoffices,riskmanagement,isolation,danger,protection

Isolated from Danger: Protecting Branch Offices in Risky Regions

The Realities of Globalization: Addressing Security Risks in Branch Offices The increasing interconnection and interdependence among the world’s countries, cultures, and economies have made globalization a thriving concept. At its core, globalization promises to build bridges and promote unity among nations. However, as companies expand their markets to a boundless list of potential buyers, they…

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The Danger of SuperMailer Abuse: A Bypass to Email Security for Credential Theftemailsecurity,SuperMailer,credentialtheft,abuse,danger

The Danger of SuperMailer Abuse: A Bypass to Email Security for Credential Theft

Phishing Campaigns Use SuperMailer to Evade Email Security A high-volume, credential-harvesting campaign is using a legitimate email newsletter program called SuperMailer to send phishing emails designed to evade secure email gateway (SEG) protections. This campaign’s monthly volume has more than doubled in three out of the past four months, accounting for a significant 5% of…

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The Dangerous Intersection of Economic Instability, Cybercrime Recruitment, and Insider Threatseconomicinstability,cybercrimerecruitment,insiderthreats,intersection,danger

The Dangerous Intersection of Economic Instability, Cybercrime Recruitment, and Insider Threats

Cybercrime Triple Threat: Insecure Economy, Cybercrime Recruitment, and Insider Threats The current state of economic instability due to the pandemic has resulted in an increase in layoffs across sectors, including the tech industry. Unfortunately, this situation creates the perfect conditions for individuals looking to exploit insider threats, especially when coupled with the growing sophistication of…

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