Government and Tech Firms Under Siege: Exploiting the Critical Citrix NetScaler Flawwordpress,cybersecurity,government,techfirms,siege,exploiting,critical,CitrixNetScalerflaw

Government and Tech Firms Under Siege: Exploiting the Critical Citrix NetScaler Flaw

The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance Securing the Digital Frontier: A Balancing Act In today’s interconnected world, where cyberattacks are not just a possibility but a stark reality, the burden of ensuring data security rests heavily upon the shoulders of IT professionals. They must navigate a complex landscape of ever-evolving threats, while adhering to a…

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Exploiting Weaknesses: The Alarming Security Threats Affecting Weintek HMIswordpress,cybersecurity,securitythreats,WeintekHMIs,weaknesses,exploiting,alarming

Exploiting Weaknesses: The Alarming Security Threats Affecting Weintek HMIs

ICS/OT Critical Vulnerabilities Expose Weintek HMIs to Attacks The US cybersecurity agency CISA recently issued a warning about critical- and high-severity vulnerabilities found in a human-machine interface (HMI) product made by Weintek, a Taiwan-based company. The impacted product, the Weintek cMT HMI, is used in critical manufacturing organizations worldwide, making it a potential target for…

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