Securing the Foundation: Examining the Role of Kubernetes in Safeguarding the Software Supply Chainwordpress,security,foundation,Kubernetes,softwaresupplychain,safeguarding

Securing the Foundation: Examining the Role of Kubernetes in Safeguarding the Software Supply Chain

Report: Security Concerns Hinder Adoption of Kubernetes and Cloud-Native Technology Security concerns are hindering organizations’ ability to fully benefit from Kubernetes and cloud-native technology, according to Red Hat’s “2023 State of Kubernetes Report.” The report, based on a survey of DevOps, engineering, and security professionals from around the world, reveals that 67% of respondents have…

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"Building a Strong Foundation: How FPGAs Are Paving the Way for Cyber Resiliency Integration"fpga,cyberresiliency,integration,technology,foundation,security

“Building a Strong Foundation: How FPGAs Are Paving the Way for Cyber Resiliency Integration”

Internet security is a growing concern for the digital age. As we become more connected and rely more heavily on internet-connected devices, cybercriminals find more ways to exploit vulnerabilities. To better protect networks, it is essential to adopt cyber resiliency – the ability to continuously protect systems, detect threats, and recover from firmware attacks. Root-of-trust…

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