The Rise of Cloud Key Harvesting: How the 'Elektra-Leak' Attackers Exploit GitHub for AWS Accesswordpress,cloudsecurity,cyberattack,GitHub,AWSaccess,Elektra-Leak,cloudkeyharvesting

The Rise of Cloud Key Harvesting: How the ‘Elektra-Leak’ Attackers Exploit GitHub for AWS Access

Attackers Exploit Exposed AWS IAM Credentials on GitHub for Cryptocurrency Mining Summary Researchers from Palo Alto Networks have discovered an ongoing campaign, named “Elektra-Leak,” where threat actors are actively harvesting exposed Amazon Web Services (AWS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) credentials on public GitHub repositories. These credentials are then used to create AWS Elastic Compute…

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The Rise of EleKtra-Leak: Uncovering the Exploitation of Exposed AWS IAM Credentials on GitHubaws,iam,credentials,github,security,exploitation,eleKtra-Leak

The Rise of EleKtra-Leak: Uncovering the Exploitation of Exposed AWS IAM Credentials on GitHub

The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance The Importance of Cybersecurity Cybersecurity has become an essential aspect of modern society, as individuals and organizations increasingly rely on technology for various aspects of their lives and operations. The rise of cyber threats and the potential for devastating cyber attacks have made it crucial for IT professionals to…

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Intensifying Security: GitHub's Secret Scanning Feature Expands to Cover AWS, Microsoft, Google, and SlackGitHub,SecretScanning,Security,AWS,Microsoft,Google,Slack

Intensifying Security: GitHub’s Secret Scanning Feature Expands to Cover AWS, Microsoft, Google, and Slack

The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance Introduction In today’s increasingly connected world, where data breaches and cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, ensuring the security of sensitive information has become a paramount concern for organizations across various industries. Regulatory frameworks such as HIPAA, NIST, CIS-CSC, Essential Eight, and Cyber Essentials provide guidelines and best…

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GitHub Expands Secret Scanning Feature to Include AWS, Microsoft, Google, and Slackgithub,secretscanning,aws,microsoft,google,slack

GitHub Expands Secret Scanning Feature to Include AWS, Microsoft, Google, and Slack

The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance The IT Professional’s Blueprint for Compliance Introduction As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, the need for organizations to prioritize internet security and compliance has become increasingly crucial. With the growing number of cyber threats, data breaches, and regulatory requirements, IT professionals must adopt a proactive approach…

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GitHub Bolsters Security Enhancements with Extended Token Validation for Secret Scanninggithub,securityenhancements,extendedtokenvalidation,secretscanning

GitHub Bolsters Security Enhancements with Extended Token Validation for Secret Scanning

GitHub Enhances Secret Scanning Feature to Improve Cloud Security By GitHub, the software development platform, has announced an upgrade to its secret scanning feature, offering users the ability to check the validity of exposed credentials for major cloud services. Since its launch in March 2023, the secret scanning feature has been instrumental in helping organizations…

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Supply Chain Attackers Take Advantage of Dependabot on GitHubwordpress,supplychainattack,Dependabot,GitHub

Supply Chain Attackers Take Advantage of Dependabot on GitHub

Malicious Code Updates Target GitHub Repositories in Software Supply Chain Attack Overview In a recent attack on software supply chains, threat actors exploited stolen passcodes to inject malicious code updates into hundreds of GitHub repositories. The attackers used stolen personal access tokens (PATs) to commit code changes, leveraging the name of a popular tool called…

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Securing Code Repositories: Preventing Fake Dependabot Commits and Stolen GitHub Credentialswordpress,coderepositories,security,fakecommits,dependabot,stolencredentials,GitHub

Securing Code Repositories: Preventing Fake Dependabot Commits and Stolen GitHub Credentials

Stolen GitHub Credentials Used to Push Fake Dependabot Commits Introduction Threat actors have been using stolen GitHub personal access tokens to push fake Dependabot contributions to hundreds of GitHub repositories, according to a report by application security firm Checkmarx. The attackers used the stolen access tokens to gain access to the repositories and inject malicious…

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The Shattered Shield: Assessing the Fallout from the Critical GitHub Vulnerabilitywordpress,security,vulnerability,GitHub,ShatteredShield,fallout,criticalvulnerability

The Shattered Shield: Assessing the Fallout from the Critical GitHub Vulnerability

Mac Security Survey 2023: Unveiling the Truth behind Cybersecurity Myths An Insight into Mac Security Vulnerabilities Despite their reputation for being secure, Mac systems are not immune to cybersecurity threats. An in-depth investigation has been conducted through the Mac Security Survey 2023, examining the online behavior and misconceptions surrounding Mac users’ internet security practices. The…

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Fortifying Organizations: Exploring the Enhanced Security Capabilities of GitHub Enterprise Servergithub,enterprise,server,security,fortifyingorganizations,enhancedsecuritycapabilities

Fortifying Organizations: Exploring the Enhanced Security Capabilities of GitHub Enterprise Server

GitHub Enterprise Server Gets New Security Capabilities Published: August 30, 2023 By Ionut Arghire Introduction GitHub, the popular code hosting platform, has recently announced the release of GitHub Enterprise Server 3.10, which brings new security capabilities to enhance the protection and management of code repositories. With features such as custom deployment rules, improved visibility over…

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