The Rise of GPU Side-Channel Attacks: Uncovering a New Vulnerabilitywordpress,cybersecurity,GPU,side-channelattacks,vulnerability

The Rise of GPU Side-Channel Attacks: Uncovering a New Vulnerability

Mac Security Survey 2023: Unveiling Cybersecurity Myths and Online Behavior Inconsistencies The Growing Vulnerability: WordPress and Cybersecurity In a world where digital threats continue to evolve, it is imperative to stay vigilant about online security, regardless of the operating system one chooses. Mac users, often perceived as having a more secure environment than their Windows…

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Data at Risk: Unveiling the Menace of GPU Side-Channel Attackswordpress,datasecurity,GPU,side-channelattacks,cybersecurity

Data at Risk: Unveiling the Menace of GPU Side-Channel Attacks

Endpoint Security: New GPU Side-Channel Attack Allows Malicious Websites to Steal Data Introduction A team of researchers from various universities in the United States has discovered a new type of side-channel attack that targets modern graphics processing units (GPUs). This attack, named GPU.zip, exploits hardware-based graphical data compression to obtain sensitive information. Unlike many other…

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