The Ethics of Cyber Warfare: Red Cross Establishes Guidelines for Hacktivistswordpress,cyberwarfare,ethics,RedCross,guidelines,hacktivists

The Ethics of Cyber Warfare: Red Cross Establishes Guidelines for Hacktivists

Cyberwarfare Red Cross Publishes Rules of Engagement for Hacktivists During War The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has released a set of guidelines aimed at hacktivists involved in military conflicts during wartime. The ICRC is urging civilian hackers to refrain from targeting civilian objectives, hospitals, or making threats of violence. As the number…

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US Government Issues Guidelines on Software Security Assurance Standardssoftwaresecurity,USgovernment,guidelines,assurancestandards

US Government Issues Guidelines on Software Security Assurance Standards

US Government Provides Guidance on Software Security Guarantee Requirements The US Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued new guidance on software security guarantee requirements for federal agencies. The existing memorandum issued by OMB last year required federal agencies to receive guarantees from software suppliers that their software is secure. The new memorandum extends…

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