The Rise of China's Cyber Espionage: Unraveling the Connection Between the Mustang Panda and SmugX AttacksChina,cyberespionage,MustangPanda,SmugXattacks

The Rise of China’s Cyber Espionage: Unraveling the Connection Between the Mustang Panda and SmugX Attacks

Chinese Threat Group Adopts HTML Smuggling Technique to Spread RAT A Chinese threat group has been using a sophisticated HTML smuggling technique to target European policy-makers and spread the PlugX remote access Trojan (RAT), according to a report published by Check Point Research (CPR) analysts. This campaign, named SmugX by the researchers, has been ongoing…

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China's Mustang Panda APT Takes Espionage Cross-Border: USB Drives as Spyware Delivery Toolscybersecurity,APT,espionage,China,MustangPanda,USBdrives,spywaredelivery

China’s Mustang Panda APT Takes Espionage Cross-Border: USB Drives as Spyware Delivery Tools

Espionage Malware Spreads Through Infected USB Drives The Incident and the Chinese-State-Sponsored APT Researchers from Check Point Research have discovered a backdoor malware called WispRider that spreads through infected USB drives. This incident occurred at a European healthcare institution when an employee, who had participated in a conference in Asia, brought back an infected USB…

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Exploring the Persistent Threat from China's Mustang Panda Hackers Targeting TP-Link Routerscybersecurity,hacking,China,MustangPanda,TP-Link,routers,threatintelligence

Exploring the Persistent Threat from China’s Mustang Panda Hackers Targeting TP-Link Routers

In today’s digitally connected world, internet security plays a crucial role in safeguarding the confidential information of individuals and organizations. The increasing prevalence of cyber attacks and the potential harm they can cause have made it imperative to prioritize network security. This is particularly important for IT managers who manage digital systems for their organizations….

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