The Rise of NexusFlow: Revolutionizing SOC Automationwordpress,SOCautomation,NexusFlow,revolutionizing

The Rise of NexusFlow: Revolutionizing SOC Automation

Nexusflow: Enhancing Cybersecurity Automation with Natural Language Queries Introduction The widespread use of large language model (LLM) applications, such as ChatGPT, has sparked debates about their potential benefits and risks. While some view them as the epitome of technological advancement, others fear their negative impact on the economy. However, two professors from the University of…

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The Rise and Potential of Nexusflow: How a Generative AI Startup Secured $10.6 Millionwordpress,startups,generativeAI,Nexusflow,funding,technology,artificialintelligence,machinelearning,entrepreneurship,investment

The Rise and Potential of Nexusflow: How a Generative AI Startup Secured $10.6 Million

Artificial Intelligence Generative AI Startup Nexusflow Raises $10.6 Million California-based startup Nexusflow has secured $10.6 million in seed funding to develop technology that utilizes generative AI to improve organizational security. The investment round was led by Point72 Ventures, with additional funding from Fusion Fund and several angel investors. Nexusflow aims to build an open-source large…

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