The Manipulative Mechanics of Online Gaming: How Dark Designs Exploit Players' Datawordpress,onlinegaming,darkdesigns,dataexploitation,manipulativemechanics

The Manipulative Mechanics of Online Gaming: How Dark Designs Exploit Players’ Data

Online games use dark designs to collect player data, researchers reveal Introduction A study conducted by scientists at Aalto University’s Department of Computer Science has shed light on potentially questionable data collection practices in online games. The researchers also uncovered misconceptions and concerns about privacy among players, prompting calls for improved privacy protections in the…

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Intelligence documents leak on Discord exposes vulnerabilities in online gaming communitiesonlinegaming,intelligence,leak,Discord,vulnerabilities

Intelligence documents leak on Discord exposes vulnerabilities in online gaming communities

Intelligence Documents Leak on Discord Highlights Online Security Concerns On April 17th, 2023, Virginia Tech’s Professor James Ivory brought to light a significant security concern regarding the use of gaming and community chat forums. Professor Ivory warned that the privacy of these forums provides a false sense of security, making it challenging to track online…

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