Apple Patches iOS Flaws: Assessing the Impact of Kaspersky's 'Operation Triangulation'Apple,iOS,Flaws,Patches,Kaspersky,OperationTriangulation,Assessing,Impact

Apple Patches iOS Flaws: Assessing the Impact of Kaspersky’s ‘Operation Triangulation’

Nation-State Apple Patches iOS Flaws Used in Kaspersky ‘Operation Triangulation’ Introduction Apple has recently released a significant security update for iOS to address remote code execution vulnerabilities that have already been exploited in the wild. These vulnerabilities were initially reported by Kaspersky, a Russian anti-malware vendor. The patches, labeled iOS 16.5.1, iPadOS 16.5.1, iOS 15.7.7,…

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MOVEit Security Update: New Patches Bolster Protection Against Vulnerabilitiessecurityupdate,MOVEit,patches,protection,vulnerabilities

MOVEit Security Update: New Patches Bolster Protection Against Vulnerabilities

MOVEit Mitigations: New Patches Published for Further Protection Last month, a zero-day vulnerability was found in the web front-end of the MOVEit file sharing software, allowing cybercriminals to steal and threaten victims’ data using the Clop ransomware. Even companies that were not MOVEit customers were affected due to outsourced payroll providers that were MOVEit customers….

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"Azure Cloud's Critical Security Breaches Get Fixed by Microsoft's Timely Patches"azurecloud,securitybreaches,microsoft,patches

“Azure Cloud’s Critical Security Breaches Get Fixed by Microsoft’s Timely Patches”

## Microsoft Patches High-Risk Flaws in Azure Cloud Platform On May 4th, the Ermetic Research Team reported the discovery of three high-risk vulnerabilities in the Azure API Management Service that could have allowed cybercriminals to access sensitive information on targeted services, deny access to servers, or scan internal networks to mount further attacks. These vulnerabilities…

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