Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships: The Key to Cybersecurity's Futurewordpress,public-privatepartnerships,cybersecurity,future,strengthening

Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships: The Key to Cybersecurity’s Future

The Role of Private Equity in Cybersecurity As the managing partner investing in cybersecurity at Thoma Bravo, I was initially apprehensive when asked to participate in a cybersecurity panel at the 2023 Milken Institute Global Conference. Surrounded by experts in government and public sector cybersecurity, representing the voice of the private sector seemed like a…

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Toward a More Collaborative Approach: Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Enhance Cybersecurity.cybersecurity,public-privatepartnerships,collaboration,informationsharing,riskmanagement

Toward a More Collaborative Approach: Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Enhance Cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Collaboration: The Emergence of Public-Private Partnerships The Dangers of Cyber Threats In recent years, the world has witnessed the reach of cyber threats, which can impact millions of innocent people. A seemingly low-level cyber incident such as a password breach that occurs in a private company, like Colonial Pipeline, can end up taking down…

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