Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Google for Alleged Children’s Privacy Violationswordpress,senators,FTC,investigate,Google,alleged,children'sprivacyviolations

Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Google for Alleged Children’s Privacy Violations

Senators Urge FTC Probe of Alleged Children’s Privacy Violations by Google Google and its video platform YouTube are facing potential investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) following claims that they may have violated federal children’s privacy law. Senators Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee have sent a letter to the agency,…

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Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Google's Alleged Violations of Children's Privacywordpress,senators,FTC,investigate,Google,allegedviolations,children'sprivacy

Senators Call on FTC to Investigate Google’s Alleged Violations of Children’s Privacy

Privacy Senators urge FTC probe of alleged children’s privacy violations by Google Date: August 17, 2023 Senators Ed Markey and Marsha Blackburn have requested the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate YouTube and its parent company Google over potential violations of federal children’s privacy law. The request follows a New York Times report that revealed…

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Senators Join Forces to Demand FTC Investigation of Google's Alleged Children's Privacy Violationswordpress,senators,FTCinvestigation,Google,children'sprivacyviolations

Senators Join Forces to Demand FTC Investigation of Google’s Alleged Children’s Privacy Violations

Privacy Senators urge FTC probe of alleged children’s privacy violations by Google Sens. Ed Markey and Marsha Blackburn call for investigation into YouTube and Google In a recent letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Senators Ed Markey and Marsha Blackburn have called for an investigation into YouTube and its parent company, Google. The senators…

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Senators Propose Overhaul of Government Classification Rules Following Controversial Trump and Biden Casesgovernmentclassification,senators,overhaul,Trump,Biden,controversialcases

Senators Propose Overhaul of Government Classification Rules Following Controversial Trump and Biden Cases

US senators recently introduced a bill aimed at reforming the security classification system in the country to prevent the mishandling of classified information and promote better use of intelligence. Intelligence breaches have been reported over the last year, and it is reported that classified material was found at the homes of President Joe Biden, former…

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