Mozilla Joins Apple and Google in Patching Zero-Day Exploits to Thwart Spyware Deliverywordpress,security,zero-dayexploits,patching,Mozilla,Apple,Google,spywaredelivery

Mozilla Joins Apple and Google in Patching Zero-Day Exploits to Thwart Spyware Delivery

Malware & Threats After Apple and Google, Mozilla Also Patches Zero-Day Exploited for Spyware Delivery The Zero-Day Exploit After Apple and Google, Mozilla has also released patches for a zero-day vulnerability that has been exploited to deliver spyware. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-41064, is an image processing-related zero-day that was initially announced by Apple on…

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China's Mustang Panda APT Takes Espionage Cross-Border: USB Drives as Spyware Delivery Toolscybersecurity,APT,espionage,China,MustangPanda,USBdrives,spywaredelivery

China’s Mustang Panda APT Takes Espionage Cross-Border: USB Drives as Spyware Delivery Tools

Espionage Malware Spreads Through Infected USB Drives The Incident and the Chinese-State-Sponsored APT Researchers from Check Point Research have discovered a backdoor malware called WispRider that spreads through infected USB drives. This incident occurred at a European healthcare institution when an employee, who had participated in a conference in Asia, brought back an infected USB…

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