The Lack of Transparency: A Closer Look at Websites' Privacy Policy Practiceswordpress,privacypolicy,transparency,website,practices

The Lack of Transparency: A Closer Look at Websites’ Privacy Policy Practices

Most websites do not publish privacy policies, researchers say Analysis of the online privacy policy landscape reveals a concerning lack of availability By In a world that increasingly relies on digital interactions, online privacy has become a pressing concern for individuals and organizations alike. However, a recent study by researchers at Pennsylvania State University has…

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NATO Launches Probe into Breach and Leak of Internal Documents: Implications for Security and Transparencysecurity,transparency,NATO,breach,leak,internaldocuments,probe

NATO Launches Probe into Breach and Leak of Internal Documents: Implications for Security and Transparency

Cybercrime: NATO Investigating Breach and Leak of Internal Documents Background The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is currently investigating claims made by a politically motivated hacking group called SiegedSec, stating that they have successfully breached NATO‘s computer systems and leaked a cache of documents online. This would mark the second breach by SiegedSec in the…

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Striking the Balance: Safeguarding Privacy in Open Government Datawordpress,opengovernmentdata,privacy,dataprotection,datasecurity,datagovernance,transparency,accountability,publictrust,datasharing,dataprivacyregulations

Striking the Balance: Safeguarding Privacy in Open Government Data

De-Identifying Government Datasets: Techniques and Governance Introduction The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently released a comprehensive guide titled “De-Identifying Government Datasets: Techniques and Governance.” This publication aims to provide government agencies with specific guidance on how to effectively remove identifying information from datasets, reducing privacy risks associated with the collection, processing,…

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Actions Speak Louder than Words: Why Boards Demand More than Security Promiseswordpress,boardgovernance,security,actions,words,accountability,trust,transparency,leadership,decision-making,riskmanagement

Actions Speak Louder than Words: Why Boards Demand More than Security Promises

Cybersecurity and the Board: Moving from Words to Actions Introduction The current landscape of frequent high-profile data breaches has catapulted cybersecurity to the top of business agendas. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s requirements on cybersecurity reporting are driving organizations to improve their security positions. Consequently, management boards are increasingly including the Chief Information Security Officer…

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Tech Titans' Pledge: Watermarks to Reveal Origins of AI Creationswordpress,techgiants,AIcreations,watermarks,technology,intellectualproperty,transparency,origintracking

Tech Titans’ Pledge: Watermarks to Reveal Origins of AI Creations

Artificial Intelligence Tech Titans Promise Watermarks to Expose AI Creations July 21, 2023 | By Introduction In a recent announcement, several tech giants including Amazon, Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI have voluntarily agreed to implement safeguards for artificial intelligence (AI) by introducing features such as watermarks on fabricated images. The White House has applauded these…

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The Potential Pitfalls of Generative-AI Apps and ChatGPT: Safeguarding Against RisksAIEthics,ResponsibleAI,RiskMitigation,AISafety,PrivacyConcerns,DataSecurity,AlgorithmicBias,UserConsent,Transparency,Accountability

The Potential Pitfalls of Generative-AI Apps and ChatGPT: Safeguarding Against Risks

The Importance of API Security Testing Internet Security and its Criticality Internet security and data privacy have always been essential topics of concern in the digital age. As technology advances, new challenges arise, and one such challenge is the security of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs play a crucial role in connecting different software components…

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"Google's New Quality Ratings for Security Bug Disclosures: A Boost for Cybersecurity Transparency?"cybersecurity,transparency,Google,qualityratings,securitybugdisclosures

“Google’s New Quality Ratings for Security Bug Disclosures: A Boost for Cybersecurity Transparency?”

Google Revamps Vulnerability Disclosure Program to Encourage Comprehensive Submissions Google and Android have announced significant changes to their Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP), which provides financial rewards to bug hunters who find and report security vulnerabilities. The changes are aimed at encouraging more comprehensive vulnerability reports and better communication be 通過 een bug hunters and Google….

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"Revolutionizing Software Distribution: Inside the New SBOM Hub for Transparency and Security"softwaredistribution,SBOM,transparency,security,revolutionizing

“Revolutionizing Software Distribution: Inside the New SBOM Hub for Transparency and Security”

Lineaje Launches SBOM360 Hub to Revolutionize Software Distribution Lineaje, a software development company, has recently launched the SBOM360 Hub, a platform that enables all stakeholders in the software distribution chain to create, publish, share, and use software bills of materials (SBOMs) and related compliance artifacts. The new exchange will aid software producers and sellers in…

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