The Final Payday: Illinois Facebook Users Receive Third and Last Check from Landmark $650 Million Biometric Privacy Settlementwordpress,Illinois,Facebook,users,payday,settlement,biometricprivacy

The Final Payday: Illinois Facebook Users Receive Third and Last Check from Landmark $650 Million Biometric Privacy Settlement

Illinois Facebook Users Receive Third and Final Check from $650 Million Biometric Privacy Settlement Overview Illinois Facebook users are set to receive their third and final payment from a landmark $650 million biometric privacy settlement. This payment, totaling $7.20, comes as the icing on the cake for more than 1 million Illinois residents who participated…

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California's Groundbreaking Data Privacy Law: Empowering Users to Take Controldataprivacy,California,groundbreaking,law,users,control

California’s Groundbreaking Data Privacy Law: Empowering Users to Take Control

California Passes First-in-the-Nation Data Broker Deletion Tool California lawmakers have once again taken the lead in addressing privacy concerns by passing groundbreaking legislation that allows consumers to request data brokers to delete their personal information. The bill, known as the Delete Act, would create a centralized mechanism for residents to opt out of data broker…

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Why eBay Users Must Stay Alert: Unmasking the Russian 'Telekopye' Telegram Phishing Botwordpress,eBay,users,alert,Russian,Telekopye,Telegram,phishing,bot

Why eBay Users Must Stay Alert: Unmasking the Russian ‘Telekopye’ Telegram Phishing Bot

Russian-Language Telegram Bot, Telekopye, Automates Phishing Campaigns Russian Phishing Bot Targets Ecommerce Users In a concerning development, Russian-language Telegram users have been utilizing a bot called Telekopye to automate end-to-end phishing campaigns against users of popular ecommerce sites, like eBay, in both Russia and around the world. ESET researcher Radek Jizba recently described the workings…

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MOVEit Transfer Users Beware: New Security Vulnerabilities DiscoveredMOVEit,Transfer,Users,Security,Vulnerabilities,Discovered

MOVEit Transfer Users Beware: New Security Vulnerabilities Discovered

Progress Software issues second patch for MOVEit Transfer App vulnerabilities Progress Software has released a second patch to address additional SQL Injection vulnerabilities in its MOVEit Transfer app. This follows the fix for a widely exploited zero-day vulnerability in the app released just days before. The new vulnerabilities, found during a code review by Huntress,…

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The Alarming Rate of Microsoft Advisories: What It Means for Users and Businessesmicrosoft,advisories,cybersecurity,users,businesses,vulnerability,patching

The Alarming Rate of Microsoft Advisories: What It Means for Users and Businesses

As the 20th anniversary of Patch Tuesday approaches, cybersecurity commentators are reflecting on the long-standing program that brought predictability to Microsoft security patch cycles. There is no doubt that Patch Tuesday has significantly improved the security of Microsoft‘s customers, as reflected in the number of companies that have established their own patching schedule. However, the…

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