The Growing Threat: Unveiling a New Cisco IOS Zero-Day Attackcisco,ios,zero-dayattack,cybersecurity,threat,vulnerability,networksecurity,hacking,exploit,softwarevulnerability

The Growing Threat: Unveiling a New Cisco IOS Zero-Day Attack

Cisco Vulnerability Allows Attackers to Take Control of Devices Overview A vulnerability affecting Cisco operating systems has been discovered, which could potentially allow attackers to gain full control of affected devices, execute arbitrary code, and cause denial of service (DoS) conditions. This vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-20109, has already been exploited in the wild. Cisco has…

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"Examining China's Advanced Cyber Espionage Tactics in the Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Attack"cyberespionage,China,BarracudaESG,zero-dayattack

“Examining China’s Advanced Cyber Espionage Tactics in the Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Attack”

Cyberwarfare Chinese APT Was Prepared for Remediation Efforts in Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Attack In a recent report, cybersecurity firm Mandiant revealed that a Chinese cyberespionage group known as UNC4841, believed to be working on behalf of the Chinese government, exploited a zero-day vulnerability in Barracuda Email Security Gateway (ESG) appliances since at least October 2022….

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Ransomware Group Strikes Back: The MOVEit Zero-Day Attack Victims Revealedransomware,group,MOVEit,zero-dayattack,victims

Ransomware Group Strikes Back: The MOVEit Zero-Day Attack Victims Revealed

## Ransomware Group Starts Naming Victims of MOVEit Zero-Day Attacks The Cl0p ransomware gang has recently identified over two dozen organizations that have fallen victim to a zero-day attack on the MOVEit managed file transfer (MFT) software. The cybercriminal group exploited a vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer, identified as CVE-2023-34362, to gain unauthorized access to these…

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Exploring the Vulnerabilities of MOVEit as More Zero-Day Attack Victims EmergeMOVEit,Vulnerabilities,Zero-DayAttack,Cybersecurity

Exploring the Vulnerabilities of MOVEit as More Zero-Day Attack Victims Emerge

New MOVEit Vulnerabilities Found as More Zero-Day Attack Victims Come Forward Progress Software recently released another round of patches for its MOVEit products after new vulnerabilities related to the recent zero-day attack were discovered. The vulnerability CVE-2023-34362, described as an SQL injection issue, has been exploited to steal data from organizations that have been using…

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